Friday, May 26, 2006


So, I uh...

Bought a car.
Just now.
It's a Pontiac.

I guess I want to be more like Dave than I realized.


In other News:

I bought a car. I don't know if I mentioned that or not.

I have concluded that my neighbours either have changed or she's just become more *active*. My god. More bloody entertaining than the shite that is on television. And OMG. What the hell is this reality TV show 'So You Think You Can Dance?' What the FUCK is that? What a waste of camera equipment and electricity. And yet some how deadly enthralling, like a train wreck. Good God.
(edit: HOLY SHIT this has already had a season? WTF???!!! [Yeah, I went on the website to check it out, yeah I read the shit, yeah that is how I discovered it's in its second season, yeah I am pathetic...but I am so boooored...*whimper*])

I haven't had a cigarette in 5 days. It's not that I smoked LOADS before, but I like to have the few cigarettes. But it was getting too expensive to have smokes go stale, smoking at all, and perhaps maybe the cost of having lung transplants in the future... got to think of the ROI and really, there isn't any.
Not to say that I won't have one again ever, there's always the possibility, but I am slowly just figuring out ways to not need one. Like Yoga, drinking water, meditation, and buying things like cars that are white, 4 door, 1988 pointacs with a manual transmission.

BTW, did I mention I bought a car today?


Irene said...

I'm not a fan of American cars, but I commend you on getting manual transmission. Automatics are for wimpy people like DC. Well done.

Gwynabella said...

Thanks. Imports were too expensive, or else I would be bombing around in a Volvo. A Big Brown Volvo. Sigh, I love the Volvos.

Karin said...

Hehe. I like the automatic transmission...makes it easier to warm up my hands by sitting on them one at a time when I don't need to worry about shifting.

Woo, on the no smoking thing. :D
This quit meter is also really good...I know some people who have used it.

DC said...

Does this mean you're going to complete your license testing components?

Glad to see that you're doing your part to lower greenhouse gas emissions.