Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Number nine-tee-nine...

This is my 99th post. Bravo to me, and a clear example that I have way too much free time at work.

I have successfully packed up all the 'knick knacks', books, CDs and paper (yes, I kept some of the paper...) neatly into 11 boxes. Well actually, 7 boxes and 4 tubs (y'know, like IKEA tubs.. yeah, yeah I love the IKEA...) and it turned out to be a one and a half part series, not a two parter. I even emptied the cupboards of the food, which wasn't difficult since I have very little in my cupboards...

Yeah, I have this issue with food? I can cook, right, but I find that food bores me. I am actually bored by it. Even eating out, I find it boring, predictable. Even good food, I find it... boring. The act of eating - not the company, NEVER the company...
I find eating too tiresome and most things I eat really upset my stomach. I like simplicity, so I eat a lot of sushi. Of course, I can't make sushi and am deathly afraid of handling and preparing raw fish without adequate training and eating out all the time is cost prohibitive. I love barbeques - nothing tastes better than the flesh of another animal cooked over fire (to quote The Audiophile), but I live in places that don't allow for me to bbq and I like vegetables, but I always end up with more than I need and then it goes off. Rice. Rice is nice, but its such a bloody production. Or at least I seem to make it so.

So I finished up the kitchen save the dishes, and I have to pack the bathroom stuff, my clothes and move the furniture. I will have to take apart some of the furniture but that shouldn't be too difficult. It's the putting back together that is always the fun part, especially when you are completely exhausted from the move... 'Where the *beep* is the *beep*ing piece of *beep**beep**beep* that keeps this *beep*ing thing to *beep*ing gether!!!?'

In other news:

I am STILL waiting for my results on my midterm... What? It's been like a week. It's not like the markers have a bazillion people from all across the country handing in tests and each persons report was over 20 pages long... come on! I don't wanna wait no more! *pout*

Finished reading the Da Vinci Code. Was alright, I enjoyed it and found it entertaining. A little predictable, but I wonder if that is due to the fact that I've probably heard more about it that I should have... No, I think it was primarily predictable. I must admit though that the research is interesting, too bad the source was found to be a hoax. Or was it? *dundun duuuuuuun*

So after bitching about food, looks like I am being taken out for dinner to Rasputin's. I look forward to being served flesh on a sword (I believe this is the place... if not, I will be swordly disappointed... that was SO for The Teacher). We were supposed to go the the Emily Carr Graduates Exhibition, but it's closed after 6pm - and I have still yet to tell The 'Phile (he was sure it was open until 11pm) and I am going to suggest maybe a movie instead. Since my life is so thrilling, I will keep you abreast of the evening, tomorrow... coz I know you are dying to know.

I have discovered recently that if you google Gwynabella, you will find her (ME!) and only me. The search engine asks if you are searching for Ginabella, and although I am sure she is a lovely person, NO - I didn't misspell it thankyouverymuch.

I have an incredible urge to spend money on Shoes and Yoga Clothing. I haven't quite figured out why, but I suppose it is better than Glue and Popsicle Sticks (although I did make a birdhouse for my dad one christmas out of glue and popsicle sticks...).

I am still on the search for a bed, mattress and mattress pad. IKEA seems to be yielding good results on this search. I also have discovered that I will need a filing cabinet and a shredder. Where I will put all this, I have no idea... But vertical space seems to be the way to go - except for one *ahem* tiny *ahem* detail: I am 5'3" - if I am lucky. Shit.

I forsee (foresee? 4see? 4c? ah...) I foresee a step ladder in my future...

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