Monday, May 01, 2006


I. Did. Not. Purchase. A. SINGLE. CD. This. Weekend.
I. Did. Not. Go. See. A. SINGLE. Movie. This. Weekend.

I did however go out lots n' lots this weekend. Cripes.

So, my loverly friend's co-worker is going back to Japan in 2 weeks. There was much celebration on Friday. So many pitchers of beer. So many wings. So much pizza. God, it's a wonder I am not a billion pounds.

So, my darling friend is leaving for Montreal. Forever. Or so he says. There was much celebration on Saturday. Not so many pitchers of beer. Just pints. And a huge eye opener in regards to the folks I used to spend lots of time with. Sigh. I hate it when things change like that. Or rather you change, and they stay the same.

So, my loverly friend is moving today. Yesterday, there was much non-celebration but certainly much carpet cleaning. Beer. And Nachos. It will resume tonight as we complete the moving process. Good god, someone kill me.

In other news:

I am moving soon and need to find a new place for the 15th!
I have a midterm next Wednesday!
I have a quiz next Wednesday!
I start my new and second job on Saturday!
I still have to learn the accounting software for Saturday!
I think I am taking Friday off!
I have so much shit to do!
I am too busy!
I am grinding to a halt! Arrgh!

Picked up my asana practice this weekend - picked it up a huge ass notch. My body? Felt like it was put through the rack. Damn it feels nice.

I have a warm fuzzy in my heart.
Wait, can pin-up cowgirls have warm fuzzies? Or more like shit kickin' hot brandings?
This my friends, is a deep and ponderous question.

Music to live by this week:

Emmylou Harris - Pieces of The Sky
Johnny Cash - Unearthed - Disc 2
Bright Eyes - I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning


DC said...

I'm thinking things might be a little easier to follow if your friends had pseudonyms and not just adjectives...

Anonymous said...

Bah. Exercise that collosal brain of yours.
FINE.. I suppose I could start naming the people in my life, or maybe call them something...
and I am posting anonymously because I am lazy.

Karin said...

Where are you planning on moving to?

I *wish* I were busy, instead of just being sick and unable to do anything.