Saturday, May 20, 2006

Today, is a good day.

Normally I don't post on the weekend. But today is a VERY momentous day for me.

Exactly one year ago today, I had decided that I needed to take action with my life. I had, over the few months preceeding this day, gained increasing clarity - realizing that I didn't have to be in the position that I was in, a position of misery and an utter sense of fear and defeat - wondering if it would ever subside, would it ever change - slowly losing my self worth and becoming complacent because I believed I didn't have the power or the strength to change things.

Then, one year ago today, I found that strength, got up and walked away.

I have had the most harried, amazing, intense, confusing, derranged, *drunken*, and totally rehabilitating year. I - when I made my decision one year ago to leave my life as I knew it - still had a lot to learn. I still do. I am a terribly passionate person - and I am learning to embrace that. I am sensitive, and I have learned to nurture it. I have come to grow into someone who has dreams for herself, and I am slowly becoming less afraid or feels she needs permission to chase after them.

I have, in this past year met amazing people. Rekindled with equally amazing people. I have seen and done amazing things.

I am grateful for those who taught me lessons and gave me direction in learning, growing. I am grateful for those who stood by me, never judging. I am grateful to have beautiful people surround me and remind me gently that it is okay to make mistakes, and that I should never be ashamed of who I am.

And last but not least, I am greatful to myself. I found the strength that allowed me to move forward. Allowed me to be where I am today.

And today, is a good day.


DC said...

I'm glad that you're happier today than you were then...

Gwynabella said...

And I am even happier today then I was on the 20th...