Wednesday, May 24, 2006

so it goes...

Someone I know over the blog-internet world is going to London in a few months. I am jealous. Enoughly jealous to write about it. Bah.

So I got my midterm marks back. Well I suck. I didn't fail, but I didn't do all that great either. I got 68%. I looked at it and found out that I really didn't do anything wrong in application, I just got some numbers entered in wrong. Well, actually that isn't good because accuracy is of the highest priority in accounting, next to being conservative. Bah.

But to feel good about myself, I need 65% to pass and overall, so far, I am at 80%. So, really that's pretty good. And also? I never study. Maybe I should start. Bah.

In other News:

I have started reading Kurt Vonnegut's 'Slaughterhouse-Five' that was given to me by The Audiophile. He bought it for me EONS ago and so feeling bad about by passing it for the crap ass novel known as 'The DaVinci Code' (which was interesting in parts, CRAP in others), I have thrown myself fully into it. Of course I still have the remaining 75 pages of Ayn Rand's 'Atlas Shrugged' to read, but it'll get done. I think I did well, but then I lost steam after awhile. It's a lot to read folks.

Well? Perhaps I am biased, but I absolutely adore this book. So far I think it is the funniest shit I have read in a long time. Mr. Vonnegut, you write how I think. I fuckin' love it. I mean, Billy Pilgrim thinks he was abducted by aliens whose eyeballs are held by little green hands attached to stems coming out of their heads? Parallel time universe things? Lots of things die? Or so it goes?

I suspect Gary Larson (of Far Side fame) was gently influenced by Mr. Vonnegut's accurate description of little green men. See what I mean?

In any event, I haven't finished the book (I'm on page 75 as of this morning), but I trust that it will be a fabulous read all the rest of the way.

I heard the sound of smashing glass this early AM. I wasn't sure what that was all about, and to be perfectly frank - I wasn't about to go and find out. There has been in the last little while more domestics and crashing and banging around the apartment building I live in. I am becoming much more accustomed to the idea of moving. And moving far. How is it that I live near such psychos? Last night my neighbour had a hockey party and at about 11 o'clock soemone fell through something that sounded oddly like the rails of her balcony. Or fell through it. Something big fell and something broke. Loudly.

My trip to IKEA is emminent. Immenent? Coming soon? Yes. Coming soon.
I am greatly excited.

7 more sleeps before I move...

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