Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Yeah, something about God, and Oh, My! (NO, not the lube...)

I got my contract yesterday with regards to my *new* and second job. OMG. So stoked. It looks like I might be able to dig myself out of financial hell...
and with that...

So, see... I got separated about a year ago and when I left, I left all the furniture to The Husband. Save like, um some cutlery, vases and bookcases which I later sold to go to Mexico and Thailand, which ACTUALLY never happened, and never I really talked about... maybe someday I'll fill you all in... But anyway... I had over time collected this strange eclectic array of furniture. I have this chair that is PURPLE brocade and is a recliner but looks kind of like a throne? I bought it for 12 dollars. And these matching chairs that look like over padded dental office-waiting area chairs... 4 dollars each. A gate leg table thats like 7 feet long when FULLY EXTENDED (it certainly does not have any size complexes) and 2 wonky wooden kitchen chairs for 57 dollars total. I then came into a futon couch from IKEA which I fully paid back (aprox. 150 dollars), and some end tables, a coffee table and a bed donated by friends and family. Book cases too, since I sold mine. Then when I started working I bought myself this massive futon couch and so it came to be, the furniture of Gwynabella, which when laid out specifically - can look quite nice. Uh, sort of.

SO! Now, I have this new, second job and I am DETERMINED to get new furniture. Of course The Audiophile is very concerned as he has a firm grasp on my shopping techniques and habits - and has advised to proceed with CAUTION.

IKEA and I have become close buddies, sharing design ideas and furniture choices for my new apartment... OMG.

But this I have decided that I will definitely be purchasing:

Maybe a chair? Maybe a coffee table? But see, I live real close to some nice 'antique' shops on Main St. so I might check them out too... but damn it, I am actually going to have some new furniture - even if it kills me.

I don't want to fall into the IKEA trap though. I think that they have some neat-o looking furniture, but not necessarily the most top notch quality. But I am certainly not purchasing stuff from SEARS or any major department store, I can't afford that shit. Is it me, or is good furniture kind of hard to find, unless you are willing to spend an arm and a leg? And even then some of the more pricey stuff isn't really all that great? Weird folks, just weird.

In other news:

Mister MOVING LIFE FORWARD? That was me that deleted the comment, I posted it twice somehow... sorry 'bout that - got a little frantic thinking about the pot bellied banana hammock wearers.

Looks like Hammock may be the word of the day?

I have packed up way more boxes than I really wanted to. I tried giving myself a quota of boxes. 10 boxes. No more. But somehow I have arrived at 12. But 4 of these boxes are tubs that I had previously. And they were full. But not anymore. Packing? Blows. Packing within a limit and desperately trying not to go over it? REALLY BLOWS. But it does give you that incentive to throw out that stuff you look at and go: Aw, but this tiny slip of paper, empty pack of gum and oodles of doodled paper was from (insert warm fuzzy memory here). Whatever man, get rid of it (EXCEPT letters RECEIVED [not half written and never sent], doodles that are COMPLETED and Concert ticket stubs. I keep those.). I dumped a lot of 'warm fuzzy' papers, wrappers, boxes, you name it. It's hard, but geeze, if the memory is important, call the dude (or dudette?) up and remember together. Unless of course you hate each other now - at which point then I ask: WHY DO YOU STILL HAVE IT? THROW THAT SHIT OUT!

-as you can probably tell, I have come across such things. *CHUCK*

Tonight: Part 2 of the packing. Hopefully this is only a 2 parter.

Music to Pack BY??!!!?
Shit, I packed it all...


Karin said...

Hey lady. Why you talkin' to me on MSN? Get your silly self packing! ;)

If you want some good music try pandora.com I warn you...it's addictive.

IT Plumber/Janitor said...

That solves the mystery. I was wondering why I received two exact same message in my inbox. BTW, personally I think IKEA furniture are amazing piece of engineering, but that's just the geek side talking.

Irene said...

I got a better word for the ex: WASBAND! =D

Gwynabella said...

OMG...(it's a theme folks), Irene - that is a fabulous moniker for the ex, and with permish I am so using it...