Monday, July 10, 2006


I uh.. I uh... *pant* *gasp* *pant* *pant*

I uh, applied for this job last week, um... the 5th I think, yeah.. whatever day that was. It's for this non-profit art gallery. The job sounds so awesome and I am qualified for some of it, but I could so learn the rest... ah, but it seems real intense.
So I was like:

Well? Maybe I should apply. Tell you what, on the cover letter I will let them know that I really love the sounds of this job, but you know I understand if you pass me up, because I would be under qualified, but whoa, would I love the opportunity. You know, because I am totally into that kind of thing. And um, hello!??? I have always wanted to work in the arts in some capacity and both, BOTH jobs would then be in that field... So, here you go people of the Gallery, my humble resume and humble cover letter.


So I have an interview on Thursday.



DC said...

Congrats and good luck, not that you'll need it.

Karin said...

Cool! Keep us posted, of course! :)

Irene said...

Don't wear any jewlery except a watch, or you'll be fidgiting with them during the interview (bad). Same goes with perfume, don't.

Good luck!

Gwynabella said...

Thanks Irene! Thanks Teacher! Thanks DC! Thanks Guys! EEEE!