Tuesday, June 06, 2006


That is the sound I make towards my textbooks.
That is the sound The Audiophile made due to food poisoning from something he consumed last night (he's fine now).

I frickin' hate tests. I hate them. I hate the whole trying to cram in as much info you think you need into the brain that is already full of stuff from the last 15 years of education; trying to figure out if the bastards are going to quiz you on dinky shit that isn't important in the real world but oh so important to them because it was located in some random appendix in the back of the text book they told you was optional; because they are EVIL...


In other news:

Home is getting to be more like home. I've spent last night by myself studying (while unbeknownst to me, The 'Phile was projecting questionable materials into a porcelain vessel), MSNing a few folks, and watching the news. This place has an incredible sense of calm in it. And I sleep really well there too. Even The 'Phile acknowledges the tranquility of his sleeps when he stays over. Normally I don't sleep all to well, and even though I still toss and turn a bit at night, it still isn't nearly as pronounced and I feel quite well rested. This folks, is good shit for me.

Other than studying for a psycho exam, I haven't really got much on the go (for a bloody change), I am going to see a movie tomorrow night called something prairie something? With a bunch of famous people... I got free tix from a woman at work. It involves country music and has some actors in it I like. Apparently I get a free CD too. Not bad for Free. Free is nice.

After the movie I may (hopefully? better? should? will?) see my friend who we will call 'Sensitive Tan' (long story involving tan auras that are sensitive). Sensitive Tan is going to Europe for a MONTH (bastard) so I had best see him before he leaves. Sadly he leaves on the Friday I have my exam and so orchestrating between his crazy ass schedule and my need to study.. well we will see. I don't see why not.

So yeah... nothing really that exciting...

*flips through textbook*


*flips some more*


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