Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Well, I feel like shitty ass blah.

I had terrible dreams last night in between fitful tossings and turnings about ill fitting ski suits and people shooting themselves in the face. Not exactly something I am really into seeing so close and personal in my subconscience. And no, I didn't eat anything strange, least of all a lot of cheese.

And I have this ridiculous urge to just start bawling. I haven't got PMS, I haven't got some traumatic thing going on in my life, except maybe that everything had just sort of ended at the same time? Maybe I am going through some sort of withdrawal of stimuli? Maybe I am terrified about taking on an extra 30 hours of work? I can barely get my shit together with the 40 I do right now. I have these revelations sometimes, of how much I have accomplished in such a little amount of time. How much my life is better. Sometimes though, I get this immense sense of dread that I am going to wake up and it will all be gone. Or worse, I will forget what I did to get here and then lose it all.

Of course as a result of this insane feeling of Weepingness I am driving The Audiophile nuts I am sure. I am pretty damn lucky he's as patient as he is. When he does lose his patience however, it sucks. Mostly because his statements are correct. I hate admitting he's right. But most of the time he usually is.


*SIGH* Okay. He's right 99.9% of the time.

In other news:

I have ultimately decided that I am officially NOT doing anything for my birthday. I think that right now as much as I would like to be out partying, I think that I just don't have it in me to try and put something together. I think this is as a result of my Weepingness State. I am being taken out for dinner on Saturday after work and Sunday apparently my parents want to spend some time with me. They are coming to my house. This is strange to me because the last time my parents spent time with me on my birthday in my space was like oh, 10 years ago.

Bob Dylan is putting out a new album in August. I am sure that The 'Phile will be absolutely thrilled. I wonder if he is coming to town or not? Which reminds me. Calexico is coming! The 'Phile and I will be grooving to the uber awesome tunes of this dynamic group of musicians on the 20th of June at the Fabulous Commodore Ballroom.

I really wish I knew exactly why I feel so blueblah.


DC said...

Didn't realize that the Audiophile and I had so much in common. Of course I'm usually right 110% of the time, but that extra 10.1% isn't that important anyway ;-)

I think there are two things that you need, okay three:
- a hug
- meat
- wine

I believe that all of the above can be suitably accomplished at the Keg... Of course I'm open to other ideas, but really I can't think of anything better...

I guess we could drive around a bit, and perhaps take in a "show" that might improve things... depends on your mood though.

Gwynabella said...

*whimper* *sniff* *hiccup*
Okay. I think that sounds good.
We'll get in touch the old fashioned way. Look out for Ferdinand. That's the messanger pigeon.

DC said...

I'll be expecting Ferdinand, and wearing the hat, just in case he delivers a present along with the message.