Monday, June 26, 2006

Dammit. Monday. Already.

Well, you would think that because I work in Finance in some capacity, I would have a good grasp on my own finances. *Snicker-snort* Right.

So, with looming pending debt from hell (I mention this because I looked at my balances today... yikes) - I am glad to say that at least I am capable of having a good time cheaply, and hey I may be poor but I've got a car and an apartment and all that. So really, I am pretty damn lucky.

This weekend was fun. Friday night was more than I wished it cost, and I am becoming increasingly aware that I cannot keep up with the Jones, the Franks, the McRichs and the LaWealthy's. But well, did I have fun? Sure. Absolutely. I can have fun doing just about anything. Especially spending money.

Saturday I worked and boy do I love the work. This second job I got (to help me out of the poor house) really is something. I got my first account to do on my own, so that should be good. I got a nice long 3 weeks to plod through it so I can take my time and make sure that everything is done right.

So after work, and realizing the sad state of finances the Audiophile and I are in, we decided to go lie in the park and read books. I finally finished Atlas Shrugged, something I started back in February or something - and The 'Phile read his Catcher in the Rye. And what a tranquil evening! With the sun out fully until about 7:30pm we were able to catch the warmth of the sun and not feel too overheated. After that we went home and dropped the books off and took the car out for a spin. Drove around to the beaches, but they were so packed (surprise?) so we just decided to come home, eat sandwiches and watch the rest of a movie we started a few nights before called Cemetary Man, an Italian Zombie movie. My God it was hilarious.

Sunday, and realizing we were still poor, we planned on going for a picnic somewhere in a park. I was thinking maybe a park in the UBC area, so we loaded up the car and drove out towards the giant campus. Well, oblivious to the events of our city, we're bombing along 10th Ave past Granville (after a small detour to my place to take care of somethings that were hounding me [I left the drain plug in my sink and buddy upstairs uses so much water that it still makes its way into my sink, I had horrible images of my sink overflowing with unknown sudsy water... frightening]) and came upon a 'you can turn thisaway or thataway but you can't go straight through unless you're a bike' sign so we decided to go down Broadway. Well Holy SHIT. About 4 blocks away we could see that the street was totally blocked off and a GIANT sea of people milling about. Well shits.

So much for the picnic down at UBC.

So after much tension - with the obscene traffic, the car acting up (she gets all pissy when you fill her up with gas. She basically won't start for about 10 minutes after. I am convinced that it's because she is an anorexic? And so when I feed her she gets all image conscious and refuses to go anywhere in fear that she will be seen after eating. What a primadonna.) and debating as to where we will be going to next:

'Phile: Where do you want to go to next.
Me: I don't know.
'Phile: Well, I don't know either.
Me: You know this city better than I do.
'Phile: Gwynabella, I've lived here for maybe 5 years, you? All your adult life plus the bunch of years before that.
Me: Yeah, but that was in Burnaby.
'Phile: Gwynabella! Come on.
Me: I don't know. All the parks I know I mentioned and are impossible to get to.
'Phile: Okay, your right. But lets think.
Me: Okay.
Me: How 'bout Trout Lake?
'Phile: ... Done.
Me: Done.

And then the car wouldn't start again (we had stopped to get a few more supplies for our picnic... god my car is a total skank bitch).

We ended up at a park we found on 41st. We saw it as we were making out way long about way to our immediate change of plans that was going to take us up to the Cemetary. Trout Lake? *shpphft* Whatever.

So we opted for the park because it had weeping willows:

Me: Eeee! Weeping Willows! I love weeping willows!
'Phile: You want to go there?
Me: Can we? Can we? Can we?
'Phile: You? Are insane.

So we picnic'd out in this park (which I can't remember the name of, but Mr. Frisbee? I think that you should if you haven't already - check it out for Ultimate. Whoa, they had a nice field. It's in Vantown though so I don't know if that works or not) sitting by these beautiful weeping willows, hanging out eating good food and playing pine cone games and tormenting the crows.

After we packed up and took the car home we went back and checked out the Cemetary, wow it is huge. Something like 10 blocks long and 2 blocks wide. The most southern part of it has some seriously huge and muy expensivo headstones (*snort* more like bodystones - some of them were MASSIVE).

When we got there someone was practicing their fly fishing (for souls perhaps?). It made me laugh and proved The 'Phile's point that you could eat lunch there on one of the benches and you wouldn't be in the wrong. I don't know, I guess I have this warped sense that the dead would be ticked off if you ate in front of them. But shit, if you can practice casting off (!?), well I guess eating a sandwich and talking about life amongst the dead can't be all that offensive. And interestingly enough, the energy in the air is of great peace and makes a great place to escape to. Like being around humanity, but they're resting thank you and don't want to be disturbed just as much as you don't want to be either.

After our wander around, looking and wondering who the people were, where they were from, what they did - we walked back and looked a the old houses in the neighbourhood. I have decided that my next move (good god, I can't stop can I?) will be into a house. That's it. I have reached the point where apartment living is nearing its end.

I tell you folks, not having a lot of money but being slightly creative can have you doing some of the strangest and yet entertaining and or relaxing things on the planet. Especially when the days are as beautiful as they have been this weekend.

And as I write this post, and it comes to a close - I realize that well, I fucking wish it were Friday. But its Monday. Only. Dammit.


Irene said...

You ran into the Scotiabank Marathon out at UBC. My hubby would have ran it, but he's been too busy.

Gwynabella said...

Thanks! We were wondering what that was, and saw nothing about it. Probably because it had to do with fitness... we're not into fitness that

Anonymous said...

creepily enough...cemetaries are some of my favorite places to go think... love my name

Gwynabella said...

I hear ya, at first I looked at the 'Phile and was like 'uhhh... okay?' but once we got there I totally got what he meant. Apparently it isn't all that uncommon to do. I guess I am 'sheltered' or

DC said...

I'm guessing that the park that you were at is Memorial (bewteen Knight and Fraser on 41st). If that's not it, let me know and I'll take some other guesses. (They already play Ultimate there)

Gwynabella said...

You are CORRECT master Dave.
You win the boobie prize. Um...