Thursday, June 22, 2006

So, the Devil in a blue dress crosses the street...

I chose to wear a dress today. Looks like when you wear a dress, things and people around you improve.

DC is sick today. That's not good.

I am supposed to go driving today. I am kind of excited about that.

Tomorrow is Friday.

This post isn't really useful.

Lemme see if I can find a topic...

Oh hey, I took an IQ test yesterday *snicker* and I got my results back and well, geeze. Apparently I am wicked smart. Or rather I am wicked smart at figuring out the answers to the questions. But this is what got me. DC you are gonna laugh at this.

Apparently this particular IQ test I took gave me a score that made me go erm... but this test also breaks everything down by category and gives you a score for each. So like, spatial skills get one, arithmetic gets one, Logical gets one, Intuition gets one...

Well, out of the 13 categories plus the 14th being your overall score... My highest one was in Spatial skills at 164. Well, I knew I was spatially inclined... but not that spatially inclined. I still trip, people.

But get this: and yes I double checked. And rechecked again.
Both Logic and Arithmetic are the next highest. At 160.

In fact the lowest score I got was in short term memory at 133 (yeah, I can't remember shit too well) and the second lowest was in spelling, Algebra, Geometry, and vocabulary at 144 each. What are you sayin' I don't got no gud speling scils, don no wat x ekwuls and can't figure out the middley thingy of a sirkel? What?

The rest were located in the low to mid 150's. Now I don't really think IQ tests are all that informative. I mean I took one a few years back (when I was drunk) and got 136, and did real poor on the math. But because my work requires me to use math on a regular basis, naturally that part of my 'intelligence' would increase. In fact I am not too surprised at the spelling being as low as it is, since in Word you have auto correct so you aren't actually aware if you are spelling things incorrectly or not.

But all in all I was quite hilarified by the whole thing because this is what it said:

'Your General IQ Score of (come on, I gave you so many hints all you need to do is the math) shows how able your mind is in general. Anyone with a General IQ Score this high is considered to be a genius. This score is better than 99.95% of all persons taking this test. All known occupations can be comprehended with a General IQ this high. You should be able to handle any academic challenges.'*

So what, if I fail this Accounting course does that mean that I actually really suck and that they are wrong? Or maybe I just didn't apply myself? And how come I can't... actually I can do that. How come I can't... no, I can do that too.
How come I can't drive yet?

Then, I was like, um.. hey. Yeah, maybe a little late with the um hey, like oh a day later (this is why I was damn sure I am not that kind of score - I mean a 2 day project? Come on Gwynabella) so I took it again. And so I am looking at it, thinking 'Am I really that smart?' Then I took it again and answered a whole bunch of things wrong. Got the same thing. There is definitely something not quite right about this. Thinking some more. Hmmm...

Oh. I get it.

It's a sample. I see SAMPLE scrawled across the page, aaaaand it doesn't click. Aaaand finally it does. Oi.

HARHAR. So I went and did another one on a different site just now and proved to myself that I am intelligent but not super intelligent (evident by the sample incident, which incidently makes me think of Nanaimo Bars). Almost smart enough to be part of some society, but not quite. And I took it again just to check and yeah, the results differ. Whew. I was worried there, thought I was too smart for my own good.

1 comment:

Karin said...

Linkie? :) I love taking IQ tests. Does that make me a total nerd, or just a little bit of a nerd?