Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Snap Crackle Pop! Ouchies

Yes that is what I heard and then said when I woke up yesterday morning.
What happened you all ask, as you all worry that there wasn't a post, I mean how uncharacteristic of myself to not post 5 days a week! Does that mean? *gasp* she missed work?

Yes folks I am sad to report I was away yesterday.

I woke up yesterday morning bright and early, like 5.30am early. And woke up with a start, the kind where you sit right up in bed? You know, like in the movies? And then CRACK! This horrific popping noise escapes from somewheres in my upper back and boom, I am thrown back into my bed writhing in pain as my entire left arm went numb and tingly. OMG, I am having a stroke. OMG I am in so much friggin pain! OMG... I think I threw my back out.

So like the idiot I am I try to turn my head. Ow. My God. Erm..
I try to sit up. Erm...

So with painful flailings I reach over to the nightside table and grab my cell phone (which also is a clock and an alarm! Gee!) and see that I still have an hour and so before I have to get up. Well lets see if this subsides. *snicker* Yeah. Right.

So 7am rolls 'round, and no I still can't move, I have to pee so bad and so I am just lying there and so I make the call to my co worker (who happens to be my mother) and leave her a message, basically telling her what I just told you guys here.

So I go back to sleep, she calls me a little while later, confirms that I am not faking it (Thanks mom), and I then telephone The Audiophile to let him know what is up. Naturally I make no sense whatsoever, so when he phones later in the day he's all thinking I died or something.

So, yeah. I basically spent all day yesterday waiting for The 'Phile to come by with some Ibuprofen because I didn't have any such stuff like that, lying on my couch (I finally was able to get up, funny story how...) where every time my body would start to settle into the position I found that caused the least amount of pain, would in fact cause the maximum amount of pain. I found that sitting sucks, but standing is okay with minimal turnings of the head and lying down is not the greatest but is way better than sitting. In part because the sitting position that is most comfortable is so hard to get up from. Thank god for nice strong abs. I think those guys got the greatest workout yesterday.

I don't honestly know how those of you with pinched back nerve issues deal with it. I nearly blacked out and threw up at least half a dozen times. Oh, and did I bawl sometimes. Geeze, I bawled a lot.

But today is no fucking picnic on the back front (backfront...harhar) either. My god. I am tempted to go to a Doc and be like 'Yo, hook me up with some serious narcotics. I need my sleep and a pain free existence.' Uh, except I might like that too much, you know with the trying to escape the bizzaro world we live in and all. So, best to just keep on with the Ibuprofens and stay away from the pharmacuticals.

So, I got out of bed how yesterday. Well, my bed is right beneath my window see. And its cozy and warm. Warm enough that little critters like beetles like to come in and apparently share the bedspread. I am not to squeamish about finding a bug in my bed. Note: Not bed bugs. I think I would have been chatting about those WAY long time ago. These little critters are coming from the window. Note critters. So, I flick him off onto the floor. Crawl away you little bastard. Then I look further and I see two more on the bed spread. And a couple on the pillow.

Apparently there's a convention happening I wasn't aware of. So I leap out of my bed with a severe case of the heebee jeebees and in a mad blindedbypain rush strip the bed, shake out the bed spread, throw everything into the laundry hamper and do the wash. Of course after all that, I pretty much fucked up the back even more.

After dilligent lookings at the beetles I determine what kind they are and find out that they are really just harmless and are probably interested in eating only one thing, that would be my flannel quilt cover. And pillow case. Hence why they'd be hanging around on both of these things. So that I can accept. Sort of.

I am moving my bed from the window though as soon as the back is better.
Please hurry back and get better.
(harhar, thats a funny sentence.)

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