Thursday, June 29, 2006

Bloring... ugh.

So, nuthin really going on right now. Life's kind of, well... boring.

Oh, well my toilet started singing (hummmmmmmmmm) at 3.30 this morning, woke me up with a start. After rectifying that atrocious noise, I got to listen to a chorus of alley cats...
I guess that is kind of exciting... erm.. yeah.

Needless to say, 7.00 came way too quickly.

Work is busy. Or at least I am making it so.
My boss forgot to put in my pay. So I got a cheque today, and get paid the rest tomorrow. How do you forget to pay your employees?

So, yeah. Boring. Can't really do all that much with a fucked up back. Ooh, but every time I turn or twist a bit, my back makes a popping sound! Fun! Like a carnival!

Oh, started reading a new book. JD Salinger's Franny and Zooey.
So far it's a goodun'.
Keep you posted.

1 comment:

DC said...

Sorry to hear about the back... I'll have to read a few more posts to find out what you did to yourself. Let me know if you need a visitor with a massage table ;-)