Friday, June 09, 2006

Bond. Premium Bond.

Well, I really should be studying, but I am not doing so right this very instance. Simply put? My brain hurts so much.

I never ended up seeing that film and I am sure I blethered on about it at some point, totally missed out on Sensitive Tan's partay Downtown, in part due to slow service at a restaurant, a feeling of being really rundown and an intense conversation with The Audiophile as to why I didn't back out of my marriage when I knew I wanted to before I got married.


Needless to say it was eye opening.

In other news:

I write my exam in 8 hours. I have to be out of my house by about 5pm, so as to give myself ample time to find where the hell I am supposed to be going, and I have about 3 more chapters to read and go over every single summary so that I can drill this shit into my head. I am feeling under the weather and my uterus feels like its been turned inside out.

Yeah I know: TMI. Whatever.

But seriously. Who the hell wants to write an exam while their internal organs are duking it out like bar stars on stipper night? And god, I don't want to fail this exam, I realize now that I cannot, under any circumstances take another course and perform tasks such as: Look for a new place to live, get a second job, buy a car, move my shit and whatever else I got going on. Oh, getting a divorce.

So, I bid you all a brief post good bye until maybe later this evening where I am sure to report about the insanity that was involved to try and find this place, the insanity of trying to complete the exam in the allotted 3 hours and the near falling asleep on the bus - that or having to avoid conversations with weirdos.

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