Tuesday, June 20, 2006

How about on the twelfth of NEVER?

So, I am trying to convince myself that living in an old building is a good thing. Except last night...

I was sitting in my livingroom, watching random TV and putting my new tool kit together when I heard this really weird obnoxious noise. In the vaults of my brain that stores stuff like old 80's commercial jingles and bad movie titles was triggered a thought that jumped out and hit the synapses causing them to recall this dreaded memory I had about this particular noise. I knew EXACTLY what it was, and yet I was confused because the noise I was recalling in my memory had to do with a dishwasher in another apartment and yet, no one has dishwashers in this apartment building.

So I go to the source of this bleching gurgling noise to discover soapy water rapidly filling up my sink.

From the drain.

Needless to say I was like 'Whoa holy shit!' I remembered the rest of the memory that went along with this instant sense of fear (a fear of the rank dead vegetable smell I recall happening - I didn't need another dead body smell event in my apartment) and promptly put the drain cover into the drain of my sink. Well it just about shot the thing out of there, so with diligent hands in unknown water I held down this massive overflow of mystery water and soap. When it finally subsided I pulled the plug, plunged the hell out of my sink and put the drain back in place. I then heard through the walls that someone upstairs was obviously washing copious amounts of dishes. Ah, well that makes sense I suppose.

I go into the bathroom to wash my hands (uh hello, mystery water? You are disgusting) and after I washed and was drying my mitts I hear this horrific sound of sucking squelching noises coming from somewhere in the bathroom. I knew it wasn't the toilet, it has its own sounds of shooping and humming, this was distinctly different. I move towards the tub.

It's coming out of the tap of the tub.

I crank the hot water tap (after feeling the tap and sensing that gee, this is warm so it must be hot water) and it sort of subsided.

I spent some time peeking around the apartment looking for suspicious dark water spots. Particularily those of the Japanese variety.

To add to the sense of *FEAR* I suddenly heard thunderous footsteps from all over the place, through the walls and over the ceiling.. like a herd of small elephants. Of course that scares the shit out of me further. But anyways, my logic sets in and I am determined that it is Massive Dishwasher upstairs and the Stairwell Trio in the hall.

I'll keep you posted. Or call you in the middle of the night. One or the other.

In other News:

I am going to see Calexico tonight, and I am so very excited.

I got something in the email from 'insert name here you all really know who it is' I mean if you read on who would really make me go errarrrrrgh? I'll give you a hint. It's a SHE.

NO I don't think I will be calling you if I need anything. It's like you think I will wake up one day and be like 'Oh, I am suddenly overwhelmed with this feeling of re-integrating back into your completely dysfunctional, PSYCHOTIC, smothering, relentlessly ignorant microcosm that you call a 'family' which not only has total disregard for the lives of others but whose actions are so repulsive that I damn near lost my own will to live because of it!

SO yeah, lets get together so you can try to bully me like you had for 2.5 years. How about ON THE TWELFTH OF NEVER!?!

Yeah, I still get a little excited about that.

Looking back at the 'THEN' in my life makes me want to hug whatever the hell is making the water all funky in my house and invite Heavy-Foot-Stomp the musical folk over for beers. Let us celebrate freedom!

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