Thursday, August 17, 2006

When Demons Fly. Oh, wait...

Right. So. I am about to write something that y'all may think is crazy, but bear with me. Please.

I think. My Apartment? Is, how do you say...


Can I say that here?

Yeah. Cursed. That's pretty accurate.

Oh, you want proof? Okay. Lemme see.

First off. I am not a stranger to bad luck. I think everyone has experienced bad luck along the way. However. I am also fairly lucky too. In fact I am pretty lucky in most situations.

Now. Maybe this is just all a test. Or a lesson. Maybe I have done HORRIBLE things (in my sleep, because there is no way I am horrible when I am awake...), and now I am being shown, told or what have you. But you read the following and tell me what you think.

I have always had 'something' living with me in the various apartments. I firmly believe that. And most times it doesn't bother me. The last time I lived somewhere where it really bothered me was in 2001 when I lived in an apartment in Burnaby. I had some fairly bad things happen to me and they mostly subsided after I moved. After that it was just plain o' dissatisfaction and insane room mates. Of course, by no means do I remove myself from the 'insanity quotient'. But that is another story.

My apartment in North Vancouver was no different. I moved from there because The Audiophile lived in Vancouver and it was a long way for me to travel to. But I never left the apartment because I felt uncomfortable. Generally I am uncomfortable with apartment living and living so close to other people. But that's because I am weird. But never did I feel that my place was freakish or whatever.

So, I look for an apartment in Vancouver. I am looking around, looking around. Time is running out, and I find this place which is beautiful. I love it, I really do. I know it's got 'something' too, but never really felt uncomfortable with it. Well, maybe it feels uncomfortable with me.

I buy a car on the 29 of May. And I moved on the 30th. I get a parking ticket on the 1st. My car stalls out on the 1st. It is also the first sign of money issues, that and the ticket. I mean, I've always had money issues. But, this gets ridiculous.

Then The 'Phile suffers food poisoning. But I sleep well. But then there is that eerieness of the basement.

And then the dreams started happening. And the uber depression (which yeah, I was [am] over extended, and that will make anyone depressed.).

And then I had the problem with my internet/telephone/cable/toilet/fridge thing. Which the cable guy can't really figure out how it happened. And by the way? My thyroid is fine.

And then there's the sink/tub/lots of loud noises thing. Which incidently carry on well into the night. Oh and the spewing of water doesn't just come out of my kitchen sink, it comes out of the tub too. And smells like lavender. It's really fucking weird people.

And then there's the throwing of the back amongst the beetle infestation. Which is still happening. And the toilet thing starts happening in the middle of the night. Not after I flush anymore. Just keeps doing it on its own. The landlord has never experienced this in his entire time owning it (that'd be oh, 40 some odd years). Oh then, THEN there was more technical difficulties with my internet! And I am increasingly more depressed! And then I fail my accounting course. And continue to have strange dreams. And just general bad luckness all round. And more dreams. And there are dreams I've been having that I don't even post about because they are so HORRIBLE.

My car broke down a few weeks ago, and that will cost me money. So much so, that I have to sell it. I just found out that in order for me to take my supplemental exam for the accounting thing I will have to pay 200 dollars, plus another $385 in 'fees'. My other job, I have been having issues with sending files. The stress that was incurred by that was enough to make me mental. Finally after a month and a half (oh look, the entire time I have been living in this apartment) I figured out how to send them without causing chaos. My mail is going missing. Mail that includes my pay from my second job. Cothing of mine has gone missing. It's not at The 'Philes house. The fish? HATES it there. Even The 'Phile said it. In fact I think he pointed it out to me, 'Hey, the fish? Is totally spazzing.' And to top it all off, The 'Phile, although he likes my place, he prefers his. And I prefer his. Way more.

My smoke alarm, just after the toilet got fixed, started going off. I finally tore the battery out of it, because I couldn't do anything to make it shut up. Yeah, it probably needs the battery to be changed. I have had to replace 3 light bulbs that were NEW when I moved in since. I sleep there maybe 3 nights a week. The rest of the time I am at The Audiophiles. So it's not like I am consuming lots o'electricity.

Now, the hot water doesn't work as well as it used to. I had great showers for the first few weeks of living there. And now, slowly I am finding I can't have the cold water on at all in order to have a tolerable temped shower.

The only time where I have been able to have a good nights sleep is when I am at the Audiophiles. At home, I feel like I have been running a marathon, and can't sleep past 7:00am. And then last night? That's pretty much what did it for me.

I don't know if it was because I am tired, or what. And I am pretty easy going when it comes to 'things that go bump in the night.' I do energy healing, I feel it, I dig it. Sometimes it freaks me out, but mostly I just tell myself that I am freaked because it's strange, meaning new, different. But last night was different.

I was lying down in bed, and read for a bit. Then I turned the light out and fell asleep. Then, with a start I woke up. I heard a mosquito flying around my head. But it was so persistent. I turned the light on and I couldn't see anything in the room. I went and got my deep woods OFF and put that on, no more bugs. But as I started to settle in I hear this noise. Now, my apartment is small, and there are other apartments very VERY close to each other. But this sound, came from INSIDE my apartment. Sort of a rustling of papers. I figured something was slipping on my bookcase and it was no big deal. Then, it was significant enough that I sat bolt right in bed, turned the light on and waited.

And waited.

Nothing. I started to read again, because I was scared. I was actually SCARED. Not like OMG the zombies are coming to eat the dude scared, but scared as in, should I call someone? scared. I read a bit more and became drowsy enough to want to sleep. I told myself that if there was a person or thing in my house they were going to get me either way and I may as well be asleep when it happens. So I turn my light out. As soon as I do I hear the noise again like someone turning around (not walking) and then the hall door close. The hall door outside my apartment, not inside. That disturbed me even more, because that could mean 1 of 2 things.

One: A ghost. To which I say, come on! Please. Just let me sleep.
Two: A person who was hanging outside the apartment door and then decided to leave.

To be honest Two scares me more than One. Mostly because some how strangers get into our building.

So, I fell asleep, finally. And guess what happened? Yup. Another Psycho dream. I am frazzled people. And I mean seriously frazzled. I have had WAY too much ill luck over the last 2 months for this to be all 'whatever' about. I even CURSE more than I usually do. What the Fuck.

1 comment:

Karin said...

eep. Come live with me! My room is migraine inducing, but I haven't had ghosts since I lived upstairs and was 12 or so.