Monday, December 25, 2006



Life's been crazy. Life's been hard. But you know what?

Life is beautiful too.

One of the greatest lines I've heard recently is this.

Where ever you are, there you are.

Meaning you can't ever escape yourself no matter what. So if the life you are living ain't so hot? (ahem.. yeah. That'd be parts of my life..) You've got the power to change that. Because no matter how hard you try to hide from your own misery? There you are.

Merry Christmas everyone. I don't believe in the religious aspects of it, but I do believe its a great time for healing and repairing, restoring and enjoying the company of those who matter to you. And don't forget to spend a little bit of time with the most important, and constant person in your life: Yourself.


Monday, December 11, 2006


Power outtages at work.

People I need to can.

People I need to hire.

People I need to meet the expectations of.

People I should communicate with (some of which, aren't people).

People I'd REALLY LIKE to consume alcohol with.


People I want to feed.

People I need to convince that lavender will actually reduce stress.

People I need to convince that I would make a good tenant.

People I'd like to know who would love to help me move on New Years Eve?

Yup. That just about sums that all up.

Sunday, December 03, 2006


tom waits is the shit

and so is nina simone

the lord is so most upset

that is what she said.

Dude. At this point in the game? I am fairly inebriated. Or how ever you spell that. I have had a fairly long week. Folks. Dude. Long times been awaitn' for this, and I am thouroghly been enjoying this weekend. Nina Simone says ain't no body ain't going to to get her down if you don't get in the way of her gin, and ain't nothin' better than a bottle of gin.

Well, I get her but gin is pretty disgusting but whatev. Gin? Simone a la Nina? Okay.


Monday, November 27, 2006


I stole this from KimmyK.

6 weird things about me. Me. Me. Me.

Weirdo thing number 6: I have a bowl of buttons on my television so that every once in a while I can stick my fingers in to it because I like the feeling of buttons in a bowl.

Weirdo thing number 5: I have to go pee before I go to bed, even if I don't feel like I have to. It's one of those things where I don't want to wake up in the middle of the night to go pee so get it done beforehand!

Weirdo thing number 4: I can't not have pens just lying in a pile, I have to line them up in a graduated way, smallest to largest or vice versa, and if they are coloured, then they will be grouped into like colours.

Weirdo thing number 3: I can't get comfortable in bed unless I cross my arms over my chest with each hand on each upper arm (sort of like a corpse) and cross my ankles.

Weirdo thing number 2: I turn out or burn out light bulbs and screw up radio frequencies and transmissions when I get excited, angry or have a sudden and most powerful emotional shift.

Weirdo thing number 1: I can see dead people.


Friday, November 24, 2006

Bubbling over with boiling water

So, our SHITTY water ban is still in effect. Which sucks if you don't have a dishwasher. I don't have a dishwasher and so I am currently waiting for my 6th kettle of water to finish boiling, then cool off enough so that I can pour it all over dishes so that I can soap them up so that I can rinse them off again with said boiled water.

Makes me think what it would be like to live in a place where the water was like this all the time.

And to boot? They aren't even my dishes! I have my own stack at home, but I am so freaking manically depressed right now that I can't even bear to be in my own home. I hate it. I really do just simply hate it. So I am currently spending the time washing the Audiophiles dishes because I really do believe that if I do something nice for someone I MAY feel a bit better. I don't even want to really go outside and deal with the public. The thought of it makes me ill.

I guess that has a lot to do with the fact that I am currently working in an environment were I am constantly in contact with other people trying to appease them in all sorts of ways. Now don't get me wrong. I think my job is great. But right now, for some reason its really just getting to me as to how much I just don't want to be part of my civilization. I suppose its because we're gearing up for Christmas and quite frankly, I hate Christmas.

Oh, I love getting together with family and enjoying a visit and a nice meal and all that, but I don't think that is what Christmas is all about. I see Christmas as - Ugh I don't know, just thinking about it makes me tired.

Eh, whatever. I probably feel this way because I force myself to be high energy all day for 5 days in a row for about 10 hours a day and then just crash at the end of the week. Plus I have a weekday off, and so everyone I know is at work and busy and I sit here totally wondering where I am going to get the energy to return a few movies to the movie store and how few people I will need to be in contact with while I do it.

I think I am going to finish the dishes and go to bed. I am tired.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Irony is in the Shirt.

So, here I am today wondering what did I do last night?


No, I didn't forget, people. I wasn't THAT intoxicated. Or maybe I was? I can't really remember...

All joking aside, I found a place that is near my house that serves good food, and holy fuck CHEAP BEER. I am talking 2.66 a pint of Keiths. I have died and gone to heaven. Oh, not to mention the 1.99 Lobster Mondays. Uh, YEAH. REDONKULOUS.

So my beautiful friends and I - that'd be the Teacher, DC and a new inductee - we'll call her Wee Hippie (but she isn't a dirty hippie, just so you know. She's just got hippie tendancies) - us 4 we decended upon this fabulous place of noshing and drinking, and lo, I discover cheap beer and well, they had to pry my hands off the menu and carry me out the door because we had to go.


Sadly, I suggested a place that provided KARAOKE because I am all about the KARAOKE and so did the fine ladies of the bunch (lucky man, DC) and lo, KARAOKE is on Saturdays. Yes. Last night was FRIDAY. So we played darts and shuffle board and then I was dropped off at WH's house and we decided that the night was far to young and so we went out into the world in search of more cheap beer. Alas, everything was closed. What time was it? 1.15am. That, my friends? Pisses me off. I mean come on. It's 1.15am on a Friday and nothing is open on one the more "HAPPENING" strips in good ol' Vancouver. Whatever.

So, we head home, drink the last of the tequila and go to bed. In the morning we had to swing by one of the other stores (yes, WH and I work together). Dragging our tired asses out of bed and getting out of the door to grab some coffee (which apparently they can make now, and I am sorry CHICKY but I am DAMN sure you added water to my no-water Chai. Yes, I asked for it that way because I like it that way, but also too, I ain't really running the risk of getting some sort of disentry or something.) and stand outside the store for 20 minutes while this crazy dude sings 'Girls, Girls, Girls' while playing the spoons. Yup. Spoons. Oh, he had great songs lined up for us.

We get the stuff and we run like hell out of that weird-o situation.

So, I am home waiting for the Audiphile to get up so we can get something to eat. I have a head ache, and the irony is?

WH and I were picking up headache remedies at the other store...

But I don't even know if that's ironic.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Alive In Hell.

And burning.

My best friend Mr. Fort St. John left for home today. And how I miss him already. We three have had quite the week and a half though.

And so, lo. I have the flu. Or something. My stomach doesn't like ANYTHING I consume. It hates it with such vengance that I honestly am a little in awe of it. Wow, I've never seen a part of me be so violent before!

But alas. What can you do. I'll just suck it up, I've got a huge event at work I have to do and well, not being present is really out of the question. I took a half day yesterday and a half day today. I originally thought it was food poisoning, and perhaps that is still the case, but I definitely know that there is something amiss with the belly.

So, with Mr. Fort St. John having been in town, I've come to be reaquainted with some of the things that I really enjoy doing. Like music! Oh, don't get me wrong, the Audiophile definitely keeps the music going - seeing shows, listening to great music, talking about lyrics and the like, but what I am talking about is playing the music. Oh, the playing of music.

So, I've decided that I am going to pick up the playing of music again. I don't know, something tells me that 13 years of my life practicing music on some level would have it so that I wouldn't flounder for too long...

Sunday, November 12, 2006


I really need a holiday.

So before I hunker down into my work for my other job, I thought I'd drop a line to y'all and be like YO! Howzitgoin?

Currently I am totally down. Utterly DEPRESSED. I don't really know why? I just feel really REALLY down right now. I figure it's because I am totally over tired, and feel a bit worse for wear - my buddy is still in town - but is currently camping (yeah, in THIS weather) with The Audiophile at some hotsprings - and I couldn't go because well, that would be too nice of a thing to have happen - and well, so back to the point - I am worse for wear because of my friend being in town usually is due to the massive amounts of hanging out and drinking beer I've been doing. And as well all know, beer makes you all depressed. But dude. Seriously. I feel totally low. Like that kind of "I just need a day off from life" sort of feeling.

Didn't help that I almost froze to death coming home, soaking wet and totally exhausted.

Blah Blah Blah.

Time for work part 2.

Ta Ta For Now.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

And then it was spoketh, I have no integrity.


So I go to this *thing*. Out of respect of the *thing* I will refer it to the *thing*. Also known as a CULT. REALLY. Or maybe not. I dunno. Maybe they got to me?

So, I go away this weekend, and do this thing. It's supposedly in existence to teach me how to be a better person. Or whatever the fuck.

Am I after taking this course?

I don't really know. I know though that I have said I want to put my fist through a face more often than not lately and oh holy hell seems to be a bit of a catch phrase I've picked up. Probably at the bar.

So, yeah. This thing. It was being held by this fucking TOOL. HOLY FUCK TOOL ARE YOU JACKASS.

He made me so angry I really REALLY wanted to put my fist through his face but really it was just a moment where I was bringing the past into the future presently and was suffering from some sort of lacking of the integrity or some shit. Whatev.

So yeah. It's like sleep deprevation, food deprevation, suggested ALCOHOL deprevation and I was like what the fuck is that all about.

By the way? Fuck is my favourite word today. I am committed to it, and will keep my word.


So yeah. I am fucking tired and I am going to go to bed. Really, this whole story is way better in person, because I dance and sing and cry (oh wait. I am dead inside. Because I didn't cry. Or sorry, I am so suppressed I just don't even realize that I have issues buried deep inside.) I dunno, I seem to be a pretty vocal person for a dead person.


I am alive, barely but I am alive.

Oh holy hell, I have lots to tell, but dudes, I am totally not having the time right now and so ciao ciao for now until next time which hopefully won't be too long but you know there you go.

By the way? I resisted the indocrination or whatever the hell, of a cult. Dudes I survived. Barely. But I survived.

Monday, October 30, 2006


Everywhere. Except places in the South Pacific. Or Southern Atlantic. Or Indian Oceans. But not too far South, 'cause it gets cold down there too.

Holy Crap what was up with the CRAZY ass wind storm Saturday night? And oh, by the way? Totally didn't know that it was daylight savings time on Sunday, until I called my mother en route to work where she asked me what I was doing up so early going to work so early. I was all like what are you talking about? And then she informed me that it wasn't at all 9:30 but 8:30am. I, as you can PROBABLY imagine, was not totally impressed. In fact? I was so unimpressed I called The Audiophile to wake him up so he could suffer too. Now that is very un-Zen-Yoga-Friendly of me. But he got it. He understood that a text message wouldn't convey the utter FRUSTRATION I was suffering from. Thank goodness he's so nice.

Speaking of nice, I'd like to extend a HUGE thank you to the highly self absorbed people I had the pleasure of dealing with today. I'd like to thank you for showing me the ideal way NOT to treat other people. I would like to know where you get your attitudes from, because even though you may be of money? Your attitudes are cheap and tawdry.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Blogging Under Duress...

Or as my friend who is making me do this he says blogging under durex. AHARHAR.

It's even funnier.

Oh now he says he's going to give me my own privacy. I hate his keyboard. Here's a taste of me writing without editing:

So, I am offof work now for the nect 3 days two days and I ahave already received 3 phone callsfrom wrok, and I am waiting for my friend from northvancouver tocome nby and...

See? This keyboard sucks.

Anyways. I was told I don't blog enough anymore, and so here I am with filler content that really doesn't mean anything.

But that is okay. Because when does anything I say REALLY mean anything? Seriously. Think about it. Does what we say really matter? Especially to other people?


Thursday, October 26, 2006

And He Came Down From The North...

Mr. Fort St. John is coming to town! I am so fucking happy! The Awkwerd 'Bot will be united again! YAY!

I have much joy in my tired l'il bones.

And oh, how tired these bones are. Dudes, did you know that mercury is in retrograde AGAIN? God dammit, so all y'all and your computers and your communications and all that shizz is all going to go haywire. Watch out and BE PATIENT!

Oooh. I am feeling un writing like so I am going to post a song or two.

In The Reins: Calexico/Iron & Wine - He Lay In The Reins

One more drink tonight as your gray stallion rests
Where he lays in the reins
For all of the speed and the strength he gave

One more kiss tonight from some tall stable girl
She’s like grace from the earth
When you’re all tuckered out and tame

One more tired thing the gray moon on the rise
When your want from the day
Makes you to curse in your sleep at night

One more gift to bring we may well find you laid
Like your steed in his reins
Tangled too tight and too long to fight

Speaking In Tongues: Talking Heads - This Must Be The Place (Naive Melody)

Home is where I want to be
Pick me up and turn me round
I feel numb - burn with a weak heart
(So I) guess I must be having fun
The less we say about it the better
Make it up as we go along
Feet on the ground
Head in the sky
It's ok I know nothing's wrong . . nothing

Hi yo I got plenty of time
Hi yo you got light in your eyes
And you're standing here beside me
I love the passing of time
Never for money
Always for love
Cover up + say goodnight . . . say goodnight

Home - is where I want to be
But I guess I'm already there
I come home - -she lifted up her wings
Guess that this must be the place
I can't tell one from another
Did I find you, or you find me?
There was a time Before we were born
If someone asks, this where I'll be . . . where I'll be

Hi yo We drift in and out
Hi yo sing into my mouth
Out of all those kinds of people
You got a face with a view
I'm just an animal looking for a home
Share the same space for a minute or two
And you love me till my heart stops
Love me till I'm dead
Eyes that light up, eyes look through you
Cover up the blank spots
Hit me on the head Ah ooh

Oh, there is so many others...

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A Summing Up through Song.

Well the moon is broken
And the sky is cracked
Come on up to the house
The only things that you can see
Is all that you lack
Come on up to the house

All your cryin don't do no good
Come on up to the house
Come down off the cross
We can use the wood
Come on up to the house

Come on up to the house
Come on up to the house
The world is not my home
I'm just a passin thru
Come on up to the house

There's no light in the tunnel
No irons in the fire
Come on up to the house
And your singin lead soprano
In a junkman's choir
You gotta come on up to the house

Does life seem nasty, brutish and short
Come on up to the house
The seas are stormy
And you can't find no port
Come on up to the house
There's nothin in the world

There's nothin in the world
that you can do
you gotta come on up to the house
and you been whipped by the forces
that are inside you
come on up to the house
well you're high on top
of your mountain of woe
come on up to the house
well you know you should surrender
but you can't let go
you gotta come on up to the house

Tom Waits: Mule Variations. Come on up to the House.


So? Did you think about it? That time you thought you were right but found out that you were only lying to yourself AND that you were the only one who didn't realize that you were, INDEED lying to yourself?

It's also called burying issues?

Or rather, not dealing with issues and trying to bury them but with no avail because you used glass rocks and so only you were convinced but everyone else around you was like 'Um....'?


I get to go do a communication/breaking boundaries/living to my fullest potential forum in 2 weeks. A whole 38 - 45 hours of self exploration and a willingness to deal with inner demons.

It looks like the forum's already started here inside my head.

Of course? It's scary, but such a load off. I actually can admit it and nothing happens. I don't die, I don't combust, I don't stop moving or existing, nothing climbs out of nowhere and attacks me, nothing. Just a compassion and a love and want for me to succeed and be happy.

Thank god for good people.

Still Alive...

Just working lots, and whoa? Some serious introspection. I may get into it, I may not.

One thing though?

Think about a time when you thought you were adamantly right, and then realized that the whole time you've just been lying to yourself and you are the only one who didn't know that you were lying.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Confessions of a Drunkard?

Oh boy. You know you're exhausted when you drink half a beer and you are fairly zonked. Prolly has to do with the not eating all day, and working a 12 hour day sans break. Don't get me wrong. I would have gone on one if I knew what time it was? But by the time I knew what time it was, I was already having to close the store. Sweet holy Jesus.

I've been officially managing my store now for 2 days? And I rule. Yup. I do. And so do the folks who work for me. I have to say, they are awesome fantastic folk.

I ALSO realized? That I am totally always at work. Today the Audiophile was like:

I was like:

Aw. I feel special. I am off these two days. Lets get together tomorrow too.

In fact? These 2 days will be my first 2 full days off in a row where I will not be working on ANYTHING since I've started. I have told the world that I am not available for any work what-so-ever on either of these 2 days. No bookkeeping. No classes. No tied to the phone for work. Nothing. Sweet hot action (literally?).

So Saturday, I am going to see Plastic Nation World Body Works the Tenth or whatever the fuck that shit is called, at Telus Science Sphere World Consumer Whore Building. Thingy. Thing.


And Seinfeld is the Greatest show. I swear.

Oh. And I get to watch Exorcist The Beginning tomorrow night. Fun.

I'll be sure to post about that experience.

Hey DC, remember when you and Ted and I watched the Exorcist together in your basement? That was sweet fun.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Blah, Blah, Therapy, blah Blah BLAH!

So dudes out there, just wanted you to know that on Wednesday I did part of my masters for Reiki. What an amazing experience. Holy Doodle. Or better yet? Whoa fuckin' eh.

So, I have one more step to go and I can teach. It'll be a while before I do that, I want to play with the energies for a bit before I move on. My mom picked me up an entry level massage table, so I think I am going to start giving treatments. A nice little way to make a bit of extra income, I think. Plus BONUS when you give a person a Reiki treatment you end up inadvertently giving yourself a mini one.

One of the women I work with, she'll be taking her level three with the same teacher I have, and because of all the changes in the store she wasn't sure if she would be able to get a day off where she could take the course. I was able to swing it, and she gave me a bag of crystals as a gift, in a Ganesh bag. I thought that was pretty cool. I mean first off she was appreciative of being allowed to get the time off, and second she was SO happy I was the manager of the store. Talk about being made to feel good. I don't think I've ever experienced that at any other job.

But OMG I have the PLEASURE of dealing with some of the most weird people. I love the assumptions that because I work in a fairly high end neighbourhood, that I can afford to shop and eat out in said high end neighbourhood. HARHAR. Actually it's pretty funny to deal with. You just smile as they go on about places you've never heard before, or you have and in the past made comments like "When I win the lottery? I am so shopping, eating or what have you - there." Sadly, I can't really get into details about it, partly out of respect for those who come into the store, and secondly out of respect of the place that I work for. Respect for me? What is that (actually I have an immense amount of self respect. I rule.)

But totally unrelated to the work or the people who visit. Bus driver of the 99 that I took at 4:45pm today? You? Are a terrible driver. I think when your whole bus yells WHOA and what the Fuck and Holy Fuck and shit ass Fucker (alright, maybe THOSE ones were said by me) and tumble down the aisle as you screech to a halt on a dime at a already very stale yellow light is an indication that um you drive WAY too fast (Or? You suck at driving). Oh. Right. You stopped only because there was a cop in the oncoming traffic. Right. So, running the yellow/red light, and risk getting a ticket (is that even possible?), or going from 60 to 0 in 3 seconds and in 10 feet and being responsible for the carnage of people flying down the middle of the bus.

I loved it when about 1/3 of the people fled the bus at the next stop after that. I think the best line was:

Guy 1: Holy shit this guy sucks!

Guy 2: Yeah. Totally. He's going to kill someone.

Guy 1: Dude, did you see when he flew through that marked crosswalk? And the people had to stop in the intersection?

Guy 2: Yeah. I think I am getting off at the next stop, he's freaking me out. I'm gonna catch the next one.

Funny? The dude got off the bus. He was serious, yo.

OH! I get to see Yo La Tengo tomorrow night! Whoo!

Have a great weekend y'all.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

11 bottles...

Currently I have 11 bottles of essential oils on my mantle. No, I don't use the fireplace so it isn't a hot place, in fact it's probably the safest place for my EO's right now.

So. Today was my first day as a manager. I got to work a 1/2 hour early, and left 3 hours after my shift. I spent the majority of that time CLEANING. My god, the back room of this place is an EFFING tip.

But. BUT. I got to see Bob Dylan last night. Honestly, it was an amazing show. I kept saying to the Audiophile "Holy Shit. That's Bob Dylan! I am watching Bob Dylan! Dude! Bob Dylan just put on a hat! Bob Dylan is the shit!" etc. etc.

And he played that song I posted a while ago. Damn fine song. And absolutely brilliantly done last night if you ask me.

My dad came by my store today to drop something off and to do one thing and one thing only. Take a picture of me on my first day as manager.

Now that? Is pretty awesome. Made me smile for the rest of the day.

Now. I am tired? Finishing a beer and heading off to bed.

Maybe one day I'll actually get to write more regularly...

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


My mouph is full of pophaphoes.



Ah, sorry 'bout that. Where was I? Oh.


Without getting into too many deets, I am a little amused by someone's HUGE issues, and LOVE how they try to undermine me in front of people in attempts to deal with their issues.

I think it is FREAKING hysterical because this person thinks that they are being so sly and sneaky with their actions, and yet sadly they are mistaken. It is about as obvious as white after labour day.

But I tell you this. I am a nice person. I am a kind person. But I do not take lightly a person who tries to systematically undermine me or any part of my personality, ESPECIALLY in front of other people. I don't give a shit if this person has issues. Great. I get it. We all do. But I do give a shit if this person continues to think that their behaviour is tolerable. It is not.

It is not funny and it is not appropriate. And if I could? I would seriously put this person in their place. But see, this is where I come out on top. I can look at this person, and realize that obviously there is insecurity in how they feel about themselves and that will be theirs to sort out, not mine. And because I can look at this and yes be irritated, I won't lose sleep over it because I know that I FUCKING ROCK ASS.

And so on that note:

Whoo! I fucking rock ass!

Friday, October 06, 2006


Vietnamese food and Kronenbourg 1664 taste REALLY good together. Really good.

What a long day. Moving furniture, moving products, moving STUFF. And I get to do it all over again. But, HELLO. It's my store! I get to make my store look how I'd like it to be! With help of course. Of COURSE. Good lord.

I get to do it again tomorrow! YAY! But this time I should be able to get off before 6:15pm. Oh, I started at 8:30 this morning. Eh, it's worth it. You should see it. My store is beautiful.

Ugh. So tired. Beer taste good. Food taste good. Mmm. Good.

Ooh! Bob Dylan!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

OH. MY. GOD. (and a meme)

I love Bob Dylan.

I think he is tremendously amazing.

I think he is awesome.

He is coming to town.

And I am going to see him.


Thanks to my mom thinking I kick ass and therefore diserve to go see Mr. Bob Dylan (and with the Audiophile!).

Oh. Hell. Yeah.

Excuse me while I strip down to my skivvies and do the hoola dance.

Oh, and I got my salary offer today for me taking over the management position, and I am happy to say that I am not going to be poor anymore. It basically equates to the last job, and so?

Oh. Hell. Yeah.

Not poor anymore, and Bob Dylan? Hello!



Stolen from The Teacher. The first 5 people that respond to this post, I will make a piece of art for you, about you, based on my perception of you etc. And like the Teach, I can't guarantee a quality product, or even accuracy but I'll do my best. And as with all memes, if you respond, you in turn must post this meme on your journal as well. AHA!

Let the games begin.

Oh. And if you fail to comply? Well. Lets just not do that, okay?


Monday, October 02, 2006

Two Hundred and One...

Happy 201st post!

Good god. I am EXHAUSTED. So much to learn in such a little amount of time. My management position is ocurring under a little bit of duress. The current manager is moving to the new store opening up and so, I am filling her position. Here's the crunch.

I've got 1.5 weeks left to learn everything about managing a store I am just learning how to function as a normal sales folk. Can you say *intense*? But I tell you, even though I am totally exhausted out of my melon, I am really enjoying it. Mostly. There are definitely some folks who come in who aren't so very erm... zen. But whatever. I can't let myself get hung up on it. Besides, who can get hung up when they smell like soap?

Popular scent has it at: Lavender.

Music to therap-ize by?

The Cure: Mixed Up

Friday, September 29, 2006

*Ahem* *Tap* *Tap*

I am pleased to announce that I have been promoted to the manager's position at the aromatherapy store that I work at.


Now I am going to go out and throw myself a party.

Seriously. This is amazing. I feel so amazing. I love my job. Sure, I deal with the public, and some of the folks are sour and dour and won't take a moment and laugh, but whatever, they will learn, and if they don't from me, well then I wasn't meant to be their teacher. But I get to help folks who are looking for a way to get themselves back on track or feel better or just feel good. What an amazing feeling.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

It Takes 3 to Tango (but only because 2 is so *normal*)

Stolen from KimmyK!

3 names you go by:

3 screen names you've had; including the current one you use:
Ice Queen

3 things you like about yourself:
I am empathic
I listen well
I am strong in nature and the physical

3 things you hate/dislike about yourself:
I get overwhelmed sometimes
I can be indecisive
I can be arrogant

3 parts of your heritage:

3 things that scare you:
People or places with really bad or evil energy, or no energy at all
That we are totally consuming more than the earth can put out or put up with

3 of your everyday essentials:
[Ms KimmyK: Of course I know air, food, water, etc...let's think outside the box shall we? (I agree)]
Body lotion
My Thyroid Medication
My Jewelry (Jade* Bracelet and Kyanite* Pendant and now a Chalcedony* Ring)

3 things your wearing right now: (obviously my Jewelry)
Green Long Sleeved T-Shirt
Jeans that have little holes in them on purpose which I think is ludicrous but they were on sale so whatever
Black organic soy cotton bra

3 of your favorite bands: (or artists! And arrgh only 3?!)
Iron & Wine
Bob Dylan

3 new things you want to try in the next 12 months:
Let go and not worry
Aromatherapy School
Be more present

3 things you want in a relationship:
Respect for each other
Respect for ones self

2 lies and one truth:
I am afraid of needles
I was homeless for 3 days
I hate karaoke

3 of your favorite hobbies:

3 bloggers you want to party with:
and You. But only if you're nice.

3 things you just can't do:
Do math in my head
Hear the words of a song on the first try
watch reality TV

3 things you want to do really bad right now:
See my friend Mr. Fort St. John
Console the Audiophile who is having a bad day
Learn and know everything about aromatherapy or any healing modality, really

3 careers your considering:
Yoga Teacher
Wellness Centre Director

3 places you want to go on vacation:
Costa Rica
New Zealand

3 true loves:
My Self
The Audiophile
Helping others

3 favorite animals:

3 reasons why your doing this:
Because it makes me think
Because I can
Does it really matter why? Huh? HUH?

3 people who must take this quiz:
Mr. Wellipsis
Madam The Teacher
And anyone else who feels so inclined

*Jade helps with healing or pain
*Kyanite protects from absorbing negative energy
*Chalcedony promotes stability

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Walking Babble.

Good god am I tired.

But I feel pretty good. Mostly.

I walk to work everyday, sort of my tribute to the environment. Because I can conceivably walk that distance in my mind, I do it physically, however it is becoming more apparent (due to the horrendously tired body I have) that my mind travels a whole lot farther than my body likes to do. Mind you, I suppose that is a good thing, because geeze, I don't want to be limited in the mind department.

But really, I walk to work everyday. It works out to 15 blocks. That isn't really that many blocks if you think about it. However. I live in a city where blocks are long. So let me put it to you guys this way. It takes me 30 minutes to walk at a fairly brisk pace. So that is 1 hour of walking to and from work, if I choose to walk the route that I do. Some days though, and this is because I get off of work at 1:30 or 3:30 or what have you, I like to take the "scenic route". And truly? It is truly scenic, and as I walk it makes me glad to know that I am making a contribution towards my environment by walking. This scenic route includes about 50 minutes of water front strolling (also at a good pace. I don't know how to 'stroll'.). My god, its beautiful.

So with standing all day, walking about 1 hour to 1 hour 20 minutes (and that isn't including the 45 minutes to The Audiophiles house if I go there), I get home and I. Am. Tired. And hungry! I've started investing in organic foods (another attempt at making a contribution to the environment and community), and seriously the food tastes better. It really actually does. Between all that walking and the tasty food, I am surprised I haven't eaten myself out of house and home yet.

The job is going good. Apparently last week I did such an awesome job that I got a gift/bonus thing yesterday. Totally unexpected. And today, I was told by one of the newer employees (we've hired a lot of new folks) "Wow, you really know a lot about aromatherapy!" I was dumbfounded. I really actually do!

The customers too, are really cool. I met a Yoga instructor who made such impression that I think I have found someone I would like to study with and work towards my teacher training. Yeah, I may feel a bit down, a lot of it has to do with a sudden realization that HOLY CRAP we are a totally distructive species, and that WOW I am a major contributor. So, I am trying to make an effort.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


"There is so much Che in Cuba." Overheard by the Audiophile.

Really? Huh. Imagine that.

Things I've said (to myself and others) over the last days:

"Why is your prized posession a leather chair? What the hell is wrong with you? What about your life, or your mind? Are these not your prized posessions?"

"Your mental health is not a game of Jenga. You should not be taking blocks from the middle and putting them on the top, a block from the side and putting it on top - because you are going to topple over, eventually."

"It's hard to want to participate. It's like the drugs have stopped working! This feeling I have, it's the same I had a few years ago. It was scary then, because I didn't know what it meant, and it hurt so much. Now, it hurts, but I know why. I can deal with it better now. Because I can see it for what it is."

"I worry about all my friends safety and health, and worry that something will happen to them that will make them no more, so much to the point it causes me pain. And I realize it's ultimately because I am scared to be left alone."

"In this moment, I am happy. And that is all that really matters, to me."

Friday, September 22, 2006

And She Sucketh All the Way Home.

I sucked today.
(But I did not blow, you dirty l'il fuckers)

I met the CEO of the company, that didn't suck. She is really awesome. I really do hope I made a good impression.

Partly though, because I wasn't expecting her to be there, my whole day was thrown off. Usually? I don't do so well when my day has been thrown off. I should really work on that.

People today, were insane. Totally and utterly insane. And then I had a turkey sandwich for lunch/dinner and well, I got all sleepy by the end of my shift and was basically an incoherent babbling mess.

I find that I work best when I am alone, and don't feel the pressure of being watched. I guess that is pretty normal? But today I did work with a super awesome person, I really found her to be intelligent and interesting, and not to mention interested in all the same things I am when it comes to quote un quote MUMBO JUMBO. So, yeah. It was a good day in that sense; the CEO, the cool person I worked with today, but the sucky part was there are some people out there who just won't ever be happy or nice. Ah well.

And another kicker in the ass? I got my VISA bill today, and I owe lots of money. I got my Shaw bill the other day and I owe lots of money. I can't afford this shit anymore. *sigh* But to make it super special? I didn't get my cheque in the mail today. So I am out of luck until the end of the weekend. I currently have: $14.34.

God I wish I was better at handling my money.

I suck. But Stephen Colbert is Hot, and so? The world's alright.

Well, and there's the Audiophile too. Sorry Mr. Colbert, but The 'Phile is truly hotter than you. But the two of you together? Wow.


Thursday, September 21, 2006

Guess Where I am?

Yup. At that job I left. I have reports I have to do because I didn't get to do them on the Friday due to my uber energy field screwing up the computers. *sigh* I get to work a 6 day week!


I am here, and boy I can tell you? Environment has everything to do with how one feels about their job. I immediately felt so drained when I walked in here. At my other job, I feel tired until I get there, and then because it smells so good, I feel energized and there are lots of things to distract you. Here? I've got a raging head ache.

Last night, I watched the biggest spider run out from underneath my table where the T.V. lives, and along the fireplace and under the couch. The couch I was sitting on. Now, I am convinced these fuckers are psychic. Because when I saw it, and looked at it? It stopped dead in its 8 tracks and then ran FULL TILT under the couch. I didn't even have time to grab a shoe and thwack it.

So, there I am at 11:00pm watching Jon Stewart and wondering where the hell that spider went. OMG. So HUGE. I thought it was a mouse initially. Yes, seriously. A mouse. It stood off the ground a good 1.5 inches. I text message The Audiophile because I needed a distraction, he advised that I 'roll up a paper and beat the fuck next time it shows its face!'.

Well, I didn't know where it went, at least at that point in the evening. With my little legs tucked under me and pecariously peering around my couch and the heaters near me, lifting up various pieces of yoga gear to ensure it didn't crawl into my mats, I settled down and finished watching Jon Stewart, and the Colbert Report. FYI? I think Stephen Colbert is fucking HOT. I have a major love crush on Mr. Colbert. Yeah. That's right. Mr. Colbert? You are a serious hunk of manly man-ness and you can scream YES to me any day...


I am referring to the EVEN STEVENS (YES! NO! YES! NO!). Geeze.

So, there I am watching the hotness that is Stephen Colbert, when suddenly darting from its orginal location of behind the TV, the Giant Spider. Well, of course I am wondering now, HOLY FUCK is there more than 1 in this place (YUP, PROBABLY)? And with it's spidey senses tingling it ran quickly across the floor and ran into the leg of one of my chairs. And stopped. I stared it down. It stared me down. Or at least I think it was. I couldn't tell because I was too overwhelmed by the size of it, and the fact it was drinking a Bud and smoking a Camel Filterless. Yes, this spider was (yeah, it's dead) a serious bad ass.

I rolled up the paper like the Audiophile had instructed. And I beat the crap out of it. It was a serious brawl, y'all. It smashed it's bottle and tried to cut me and it stuck the cigarette in my eye, and I flew into a rage and just kept smashing it, smashing it, oh the horror. It was so horrible!

I basically slept with one eye open after that. I know that his buddies will be out for blood.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Heat is On

No, seriously. The heat is finally fucking on.


So, I still smell like das soaps. And I successfully spurted massage oil all over myself today. At work. In front of customers. I was fully clothed, just so you know.

It's a good job, except that it's a huge cut in pay.

What does that mean?

I'm probably gonna have to move.


Monday, September 18, 2006

Rubba dub dub

I smell like various essential oils. In fact, everything I own that was with me at work today smells like luxury. Mmmm... essentials.

Friday, September 15, 2006

How Fortuitous


I come in to work, turn my computer on, check the work emails, do the check bank account - ensure pay thing and go say hi to my mother. Come back and the computer is dead. Yup dead. Parched for a disk boot system, because it failed. Press Enter. Fail to comply. Abort. Abort. Dead.

So I am using this fancy laptop that has none of the reports I need to complete before I leave, and so I am to come in on Thursday next week to finish 'the job' and then? Who knows. The world is my (very poor) oyster.

Oh! And my boss then tells me I can leave when I want then because of the computer being dead and all (no tech support until Monday), and then I find out that my book keeping package won't be in until probably 4:00pm. So I have to wait - all day, until then. With TRULY no work to do. Hey, I've always had work to do, and I do get it done, I am just too efficient, and so drag it out over long periods of time, that way I have a full days worth of work. Recommended action by my co workers. Really, I am far to efficient. And now done with the self pompous ass-ness.

Right now the radio is playing 'You spin me right 'round baby, right 'round.' Oh yes. Groovy.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


I start my new job next week. For this I am excited.

I had a few thoughts on that other blog, here and here, if you are at all interested in meditation and an recount of that experience to a horrible realization that I am contributing to the demise of the planet.

Such juxtapostion.

I am all a flutter. I think it has to do with the change in the season. Sadly, I have come to realize that this hasn't happened yet. In fact fall won't actually happen until the 23 of September.

But isn't it funny how much our society/culture/'po. mo. whatever the hell' puts its consumer imprint on something so non consumeristic (is that even a word?) as seasons changing? I mean the Equinox is a planetary/solar event, not an arbitrary selection of time and space to go Fall Sale shopping (well, I guess TECHNICALLY it is [an arbitrary selection], we've assigned this particular planetary/solar event with the name FALL EQUINOX and have made it to indicate a change in what we call SEASONS, but thats just semantics really, and truly people? Fall Equinox is not synonymous to A Fall Sale of Clothing Extraordinaire: On now until September 15th - which is STILL SUMMER.).

I was sitting on the bus, deep in thought (I am currently re-reading Aldous Huxley's Island, and that will put you deep in thought) when I looked up and into the window of the Shoppers DrugMart and saw halloween gear. HALLOWEEN GEAR. September 13th was yesterday right? So that puts Halloween approximately 48 days away (so don't delay! Visit your local Gap store for cute costumes for your kids!). You know what will happen as soon as Halloween is past and gone? Christmas Decorations will come out.

We are rushing people! Rush, Rush, Rush. We are talking about fall being here before it happens, and before fall has even reached its adolecence we are going to throw ourselves into the thick of winter.

No wonder we are all so screwed up with stress and anxiety. We tell our children not to wish their time away, that it is precious. But what kind of example are we setting when we freak out about events that aren't taking place MONTHS from now, right now (order your turkeys folks before the end of October or you won't have one! And what kind of people are you if you don't have a turkey for Christmas dinner? Shame on you!)? These events were taken, transformed and then manufactured so that we can consume more.

I mean, I am not even Christian, but I celebrate Christmas. Why? Think about it. If you aren't Jewish, do you celebrate Hannukah? Probably not. So, if you aren't Christian, then why the hell are you celebrating Christmas? Oh! I get it, because it doesn't actually mean celebrating the birth of Christ anymore, it's about how much of your year end bonus you spent on purchasing things for your family that they don't really need. We also call this TRADITION.

Geeze, all this brought on by plastic pumpkins. Wow.

Rather than thinking Summer is over, think about how magical the time of year is when the seasons blend into each other. Rather than lamenting the loss of summer (which hasn't HAPPENED YET, you only think it has because bathing suits and beach mats have gone on sale by 75%), celebrate its last beautiful days. Rather than rushing into the next holiday, and it's hard not to since we are all stuck in this consumer cycle (which is truly by choice, you could stop it if you wanted to), just slow down. Even for a moment. You don't have to give up Christmas if you don't want to, but think, do you really need to get your friend a gift thats just so? Why not make her something? Can't make something? Learn how. Wow, you could learn something new, and give a great gift. And if the idea of not getting the perfect gift for someone is going to ruin your relationship with them, are they really that great of a friend then? Argh, I digress.

My point is this. Stop rushing time, and yourself. Step back from being sucked into the consumeristic mentality. Take a moment and think what is actually pushing you to rush. Is it you pushing? For what? Is it necessary? Will what you are rushing for going to cause you harm, pain, grief if you stop rushing? And enjoy the REST OF THE SUMMER, theres another 9 days left.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


In light of some events that have taken place, be that of peoples personal hell inflicted by others or my own personal struggles with humanity and myself, I post a song instead of an album.

Bob Dylan's It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)
Bringing It All Back Home (1965)

Darkness at the break of noon
Shadows even the silver spoon
The handmade blade, the child's balloon
Eclipses both the sun and moon
To understand you know too soon
There is no sense in trying.

Pointed threats, they bluff with scorn
Suicide remarks are torn
From the fool's gold mouthpiece
The hollow horn plays wasted words
Proves to warn
That he not busy being born
Is busy dying.

Temptation's page flies out the door
You follow, find yourself at war
Watch waterfalls of pity roar
You feel to moan but unlike before
You discover
That you'd just be
One more person crying.

So don't fear if you hear
A foreign sound to your ear
It's alright, Ma, I'm only sighing.

As some warn victory, some downfall
Private reasons great or small
Can be seen in the eyes of those that call
To make all that should be killed to crawl
While others say don't hate nothing at all
Except hatred.

Disillusioned words like bullets bark
As human gods aim for their mark
Made everything from toy guns that spark
To flesh-colored Christs that glow in the dark
It's easy to see without looking too far
That not much
Is really sacred.

While preachers preach of evil fates
Teachers teach that knowledge waits
Can lead to hundred-dollar plates
Goodness hides behind its gates
But even the president of the United States
Sometimes must have
To stand naked.

An' though the rules of the road have been lodged
It's only people's games that you got to dodge
And it's alright, Ma, I can make it.

Advertising signs that con you
Into thinking you're the one
That can do what's never been done
That can win what's never been won
Meantime life outside goes on
All around you.

You lose yourself, you reappear
You suddenly find you got nothing to fear
Alone you stand with nobody near
When a trembling distant voice, unclear
Startles your sleeping ears to hear
That somebody thinks
They really found you.

A question in your nerves is lit
Yet you know there is no answer fit to satisfy
Insure you not to quit
To keep it in your mind and not fergit
That it is not he or she or them or it
That you belong to.

Although the masters make the rules
For the wise men and the fools
I got nothing, Ma, to live up to.

For them that must obey authority
That they do not respect in any degree
Who despise their jobs, their destinies
Speak jealously of them that are free
Cultivate their flowers to be
Nothing more than something
They invest in.

While some on principles baptized
To strict party platform ties
Social clubs in drag disguise
Outsiders they can freely criticize
Tell nothing except who to idolize
And then say God bless him.

While one who sings with his tongue on fire
Gargles in the rat race choir
Bent out of shape from society's pliers
Cares not to come up any higher
But rather get you down in the hole
That he's in.

But I mean no harm nor put fault
On anyone that lives in a vault
But it's alright, Ma, if I can't please him.

Old lady judges watch people in pairs
Limited in sex, they dare
To push fake morals, insult and stare
While money doesn't talk, it swears
Obscenity, who really cares Propaganda, all is phony.

While them that defend what they cannot see
With a killer's pride, security
It blows the minds most bitterly
For them that think death's honesty
Won't fall upon them naturally
Life sometimes
Must get lonely.

My eyes collide head-on with stuffed graveyards
False gods, I scuff
At pettiness which plays so rough
Walk upside-down inside handcuffs
Kick my legs to crash it off
Say okay, I have had enough
What else can you show me?

And if my thought-dreams could be seen
They'd probably put my head in a guillotine
But it's alright, Ma, it's life, and life only.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Stole it from Ms. KimmyK!

1. Favorite Beatles song: Norwegian Wood
2. Favorite Rolling Stones song: Moonlight Mile
3. Favorite Doors song: The Soft Parade
4. Favorite Bob Dylan song: It's Alright Ma
5. Favorite Led Zeppelin song: When the Levee Breaks
6. Favorite TV Theme Song: Thank You for Being a Friend - Golden Girls (yeah, I know but I sing it all the time!)
7. Favorite Prince Song: Cream
8. Favorite Madonna Song: What it Feels Like for a Girl
9. Favorite Michael Jackson Song: Thriller
10. Favorite Queen Song: Bicycle Race
11. Favorite Motorhead Song: Heard of them, don't have a fave song.
12. Favorite Ozzy Song: No More Tears
13. Favorite Public Enemy Song: Hmm, haven't heard them in a while so...
14. Favorite Song from a cartoon: er...
15. Favorite Bruce Springsteen song: Nebraska
16. Favorite Depeche Mode song: Master And Servant
17. Favorite Cure song: Pictures of You
18. Favorite song that most of your friends haven't heard: Dinosaur Act by Low
19. Favorite Smiths song: *sigh* been too long for me to know now.
20. Favorite Beastie Boys song: 3 MC's and 1 DJ
21. Favorite Clash song: The Guns of Brixton
22. Favorite Police song: Message in a Bottle
23. Favorite Eurythmics song: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)
24. Favorite Beach Boys song: I don't really know...
25. Favorite Cyndi Lauper song: Time After Time
26. Favorite song from a movie: Clubbed to Death from the Matrix (1)
27. Favorite Duran Duran song: Er...
28. Favorite Peter Tosh song: Not familiar enought with his work to have a fave.
29. Favorite Johnny Cash song: Folsom Prison Blues
30. Favorite song from an 80's one hit wonder: Video Killed The Radio Star
31. Favorite song from a video game: um...don't have one?
32. Favorite Kinks song: not familiar...
33. Favorite Genesis song: Holy shit I have no idea. Whoa, and they only have like a dozen albums.
34. Favorite Thin Lizzy song: I don't know them that well.
35. Favorite INXS song: Devil Inside
36. Favorite Weird Al song: I don't have one but I know someone who DOES!
37. Favorite Peter Gabriel song: Digging In the Dirt
38. Favorite John Lennon song: God
39. Favorite Pink Floyd song: Wish You Were Here
40. Favorite cover song: I See A Darkness - Johnny Cash
41. Favorite White Stripes:
42. Favorite dance song: Canned Heat by Jamiroquai
43. Favorite U2 song: Running to Stand Still
44. Favorite song from an actor turned musician:, no.
45. Favorite disco song: no. no.
46. Favorite Power Ballad: erm... NO.
47. Favorite Guns N' Roses song: uh...Nuh uh.
48. Favorite The Who song: My Generation
49. Favorite Elton John song: Rocket Man
50. Favorite song, period: Argh, that's too hard. Right now: Our Way To Fall by Yo La Tengo
51. Favorite Sting song: Not a huge fan.
52. Favorite boy-band song: Sweet Zombie Jesus, No.
53. Favorite Metallica: Not a fan.
54. Favorite Cars song: Don't have one.
55. Favorite Tom Petty song: Free Fallin'
56. Favorite Bon Jovi song: No. Don't have one.
57. Favorite Jazz song: oh, so hard... so many... Strange Fruit by Lady Day (Billie Holiday)
58. Favorite Janet Jackson song: Rhythm Nation
59. Favorite song from the year you were born: One Way Or Another - Blondie

Alright folks, Carry on!

Monday, September 11, 2006



Working as a Manager in Training in an aromatherapy/bath products store. 15 blocks from my house. I start Monday. Hell To The Yes!

*I am going to be so poor*

Oh well...



Has anyone ever wondered why when you hit caps the wingdings on the numbers don't get activated... makes sense to me if you are in caps, that when you hit the number 1 you get ! instead. Who came up with this shit?

Thursday, September 07, 2006

It's Thursday!

And blogger likes it when I hit enter and posts my title only. Thanks blogger.

So, I answered your question KimmyK, about Yoga and how it makes me feel better. I don't know if it answers it, but hell it was nice to write about how much yoga is actually important to me.

I totally forgot that Wednesday was Music Wednesday, and so what album do I listen to right now? Umm...

Blondie: Parallel Lines. It's good. I bought it a couple of weeks ago. Yeah, I didn't own any Blondie before that. I know sad huh. I have 'Atomic' as my cell phone ring though (which ISN'T on Parallel Lines). I like that.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


The link is fixed Teach! :)

Yesterday I practiced practical theraputic Yoga.

I honestly don't really have much to vent about today. Oh, don't get me wrong. There are plenty of things that happened today that were irritating, but I just don't really care enough about them to go on about them.

HEY! I am reading a book right now, The Life of Pi. So far so good. I'll keep you posted on it.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Tuesday that feels like Monday.

I want more long weekends! :(

So, I won't blether on about my long weekend, mostly because well, it wasn't all that interesting in terms of the RE TELLING. But I did go to a barbeque. And I worked a bit. And ate food. Obviously, since I went to a barbeque. Which also involved some red wine. Which I didn't drink a lot of. I know. WHAT IS HAPPENING!!?

Right. So, I have this other blog that I have been pimping, and realize that I haven't really explained the reasons other than I wanted a place to chat about non-jaded-bitter things that Gwynabella experiences.

The other blog is in existence because I am in the process of examining things in my life that are of a more gentle, spiritual, healing nature (like how I used to be... erm, well maybe). A place that reminds me that I am a caring, loving, hell even HAPPY person, and that I take the time to care for myself as much as I care about those around me. Plus it is a place where I can talk about Yoga and Vitamins, health, spirituality and the like, so that I am not bogging down this "place of venting". I can't vent about how self centred people are and how much I want to beat them with my summer squash after I've posted about loving-kindness. It makes me feel awkward. :(

'Temple of Peace' = Balance Is Bliss; 'Venting Space of Hell' = What's the G Stand For.

In other News:

The Crocodile Hunter died yesterday. Apparently he got skewered by a Sting Ray's barb, right through the heart. My heart (oh, pardon) goes out to his family and friends.

The manager and friend of CH told the anchor at CNN who was interviewing him via phone that he was offended by his questions and that he isn't even going to entertain him with even attempting to answer it. Oh the question? Something along the lines of:

Oh, so since you were filming underwater when it happened, did you get a chance to watch the footage afterwards?'


Yeah. Jerk.

I am leaving work early today! For no reason other than I can because I hate it here.


Friday, September 01, 2006


Not sick anymore.

Read about it HERE! (I am SO pimping the new blog, as DC would put it)

Whoo! It's Friday!

Do I have anything that I do in particular on a Friday? I don't think so. Maybe I'll do a meme or something later...

In other News:

Today is the Teacher and DC's 4 year anniversary. YAY! Congrats you two. Much love and happiness.

I watched some woman get put out and stomp off to another door, because a woman trying to get out of a door at that Cambie/City Hall Mall thing had too many bags and couldn't push the door open. No, you couldn't have reached for the door, helping her get through and then go through after, you had to get all pissy and by doing so, made the woman trying to get out feel bad (she felt bad). I grabbed the door for her just as she got caught in it (she had soup or groceries in bags or something) and she was so thankful. What a prick that other woman was. One other time when I went shopping there for groceries (I live real close to it) I held the door open for a woman and her baby carriage thing, and she was so amazed and literally said:

Oh my, that was so nice of you!

I get the distinct impression I live in a neighbourhood of people.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Oh Really?

DC doesn't believe me when I tell him that I sign EVERY SINGLE LETTER I send out. To date I have sent out 2000 letters. Yup, that's right. And I have signed by hand, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM.

I am still sick. You can read what I am doing about it and all that HERE!

I might take tomorrow off or at least a half day anyway. I am kind of excited about that. And folks it's the long weekend! I might go meditate. By the sea if the weather is nice. And read a good book.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


"Okay. I won't leave." I say to the some pretty important people in my world.

I guess I am just needing a place to write about things that I am into but aren't sure how they fit in this here Gwynabella land. Mostly because it doesn't blend well. So I created a new blog! AHA!

So I will put a link to it on my side bar thing, and y'all can read it and go WTF and be like oh my god. She's a hippie.

Sigh. I am not a HIPPIE, I am just New Age. But then I don't even know what THAT means.

I am truly a serene and loving person, I just vent alot. But now I am finding I don't need to vent. I'm kind of at peace. I know it's weird, huh. So here is where I'll vent when I need to and keep up with memes and interesting tidbits like fat free SENSE yogurt and such, and there is where I will be balanced and insightful and all that. Where I will write out the journey to my lifes work. Where you would go to get the REAL advice. That sound good to you all? Plus I get to play with that beta thing. I am liking the beta thing alot folks.

Oh, to see my new blog with all it's crystal gripping loveliness go here. It's still in the works, so bear with me as I change colours and fonts and such.

Music Wednesday

Its gonna be brief folks. I am starting to lose the whole 'Lovin' the Blog' thing. In part because my blog doesn't cooperate with me all that well, and to be perfectly frank, I am tired. But we'll see.


Album of the Week:
Bonnie 'Prince' Billy
I See A Darkness

I love it.
I am seeing Bonnie 'Prince' Billy in November. That, my friends, is truly amazing.

Anyway, probably just not feeling too well, hence the blah towards the blog.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Alright! Monday is now Tuesday, but it will still be Monday...


Whoohoo, one month has passed and a new blog will be crowned King, Queen or what have you.

So without further aaah dooo (I spell it that way? Because I don't know how to spell it correctly. Sad in'it.)

Blog of the Month:

I Have No Name!

I love this woman. Having won Hot Blog of the Month last month, not only is her space on the World Wide Web a sexy colour of orange with amazing photography, but her writings I enjoy immensely. I honestly believe that Ms. KimmyK would be someone I would enjoy having coffee with and by the end of our date we would have both bawled, laughed 'til the coffee came out of our noses and I KNOW some discussion of bodily functions would occur. Mostly because I can't go anywhere without discussing poop. Because I am weird that way. But she would totally listen anyway. Because she is amazing that way. Plus? She is going back to school. To study Nuclear Medicine. Um, hello. So, Congratulations Ms. KimmyK of I Have No Name Fame!

Randomly Found Blog of the Month:

Cynical Dad!

Okay, so this guy? Is like the Audiophile's long lost twin brother. Anyone who can successfully write about 100 top albums of all time and then ask his readers to come up with cross referencing of contributing artists on other albums from the same list, and actually have people want to participate? Is basically my life everyday when I listen to tunes with the 'Phile. Insanely awesome. Cynical Dad is a Stay at Home Dad who writes awesome stories about his kids and his life and he has wicked taste in music.

Hot Blog of the Month:

Willie Baronet!

This guy actually found me, and so randomly is he awesome he wins. He is an artist who's works are just amazing, not to mention insightful. He is passionate about other peoples work too, which really sets him apart from the rest. He is so full of passion that... honestly, I can't say much more than that, except to fully experience him and his works you must go and visit his site. Congrats Willie, you have certainly touched my heart.

And of course, Boobie Blog of the Month goes to:

Moving Life Foward!

Not only does he not post regularly, but I have a sneaky suspicion that he would LOVE to win the Boobie blog, mostly for its, erm... title? This guy works in IT for the Hospital/University and dude, this guy is BUSY. And I mean BUSY. But when he does post on the rare occassion he certainly makes up for it, generally averaging 5-10 posts at a time. It's awesome. Mr. Moving Life Foward, I bestow you with the Boobie Blog Award! Congrats!

Monday, August 28, 2006

SICK!! Very SICK!!

Blogs of the month will be up tomorrow, Gwynabella's got the flu.


Thursday, August 24, 2006

In Search of the Urban Raccoons.

I don't know what the HELL is up with my post of yesterday with all that fucking TINY writing, I assure you I had fixed it at least half a dozen times and it just keeps getting smaller in various places that weren't small before. Bah.

I am eating yogurt this morning and I see on the cup thing this:

Lucerne (since - depuis 1904) Sense. 0% MF (MG)
Stirred FAT FREE Yogurt
(and the french part here)(caps are accurate)
(is that even how you spell yogurt?Yogourt? Yogerhurt?)

Whoa, back the truck up. I am sorry, did it say SENSE?

It's called Sense. SENSE. So what, sense as in 'I sense the live cultures?', 'I sense the stirred-ness?', or is it simply that it makes SENSE to eat fat free things. Because it would be NON-SENSE to eat 2% or higher. Now, certainly. There are foods out there that we shouldn't eat. There are foods that we should be eating more of. But what right does a Dairy company have to claim that Fat Free makes SENSE? Am I supposed to feel superior because I am eating SENSIBLE food? It tells me so right here! On the label! They make sense, and I eat it!

Now no one can say I don't contain any sense, because right now I am full of it. Truly.
Anyways, that was my Thursday quibble. On to more healthy... erm, sensible things.


I got nuthin.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Music Wednesday (among other things)

Because I don't have enough stuff to blether on about, I have decided to christen EVERY Wednesday as Music Day. Why Wednesday? Because a W looks like an M upside down, that's why.

I am sort of borrowing from the Top 100 Favourite Album Meme that Cynical Dad and a few others had done, which I have to say is a pretty awesome meme. I decided to create (mostly becauseI don't own nearly half of
my top 100 [see rules and an example of a top 100 listing here]) a favourite album of the week meme.

Basically what it will consist of is a review of an album that I am currently listening to during that week. The deal is this. I either own the album, or have borrowed it with the intent on purchasing it within the next pay period. Because I am poor like that. It will a) provide some entertainment for y'all, and b) help me build my CD collection with direction as well as give me an opportunity to learn more about the artists I enjoy listening to. Of course I will try to have the albums first before I write about them, but there are some that just rock my world and like a small kid, I can't wait.

So without further Aaah Dooo...


Gwynabella's Album of the Week:

Tortoise: TNT (1998)
I love this album. I bought it in late January of this year after it was recommended to me by The Audiophile. There is something to be said about a music you can't ACTUALLY define. The overall feel of each song is significantly different, but underneath it all, there is a sense of familiarity from track to track. Even listening to it just once and to hear it again in passing, the sound is distinct enough to be instantly recognized as Tortoise.

In all honesty I don't think I have ever listened to something that conjured images of western scenes complete with riding horses off into the sunset and tumbleweeds to then suddenly feel like I am sitting in a slightly seedy, chic Metropolitan Bar, perhaps in Chicago where the band originates from, full of sound and vibration. The beauty of it is how this band makes the transition without having it's listener feel jarred or uncomfortable. Completely instrumental, TNT is funky and jazzy as well as totally contemplative and laidback, a far cry from what you would expect if you are driven by cover art (shame if you are!). Truly a great album to play during a quiet get together with friends or chilling by yourself. I would have to say Tortoise's TNT is hands down a must in anyones collection. Favourite Trax: I Set My Face to the Hillside; Four-Day Interval.

In Other News:

I woke up in the middle of the night and found myself choking, but couldn't wake up enough to deal with it. I don't want to know why, or on what. We will leave it at that, and just pretend it didn't happen. Moving on.

I went grocery shopping yesterday. I write this down because that doesn't happen very often. I am not a big shopper for groceries. But I discovered that there is a Kin's Market near my house and whoa, so cheap the veggies are! I decided to suck it up and start eating healthy again. The winter is coming soon and with what I want to be doing over the next few months (yeah, the 'PLAN'), I have to make sure that I am in top physical form. And if you aren't feeling well physically, you aren't going to be doing so well mentally, emotionally and on some level spiritually, which are also major important factors.

I haven't really mentioned the plan lately, and although I am wanting to talk about it, when I get ready to it seems I don't have the words to express it in a way that I feel will justify what I want to say. And I feel bad because I am all like 'I'll tell you today!' in various peoples comment sections. But trust me, its still there and still going strong, I just haven't found the way I feel will best describe my actions.

So with all that, people of the internet, what is your favourite album of the week? And where the hell did everyone go? DC? Teacher? Auntie Laura? What, you went and got lives outside of the internet and didn't tell me? Or invited me along?

And don't forget! Next Monday, August 28th is Blog of the Month Day! Pick your Favourite Blog, Hot Blog, Best Randomly Found Blog
and Boobie Blog of the Month and tell the world how awesome they truly are!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Batteries Not Included.

The BCAA man looked at my car yesterday evening and announced that my car's battery is DEAD. And I don't mean dead like oh, give me a jump start dead, I mean DEAD as in go get a new one DEAD. But hey, at least it isn't something more drastic or expensive or what have you. But oooh, DEAD.

I discovered something interesting last night while I was waiting for the Audiophile to get out of the shower. I realized after many years and much suspicion that yes indeed, dials on HI-FI systems do move when you employ the remote control. See, I've never had a sophisticated enough piece of equipment that had multiple dials and such, and those who do, I wouldn't touch their remote controls. I always envision this band of whatever it is streaming out of the remote in a line. and lines push things. Not turn them. Certainly the volume would go up, but the dial would remain in place. But no! In essence (and in my over active imagination) the bands of whatever it is, is streaming and forming a hand and turning the knob.

And turning the knob it does. With avid over tired facination I watched the knob go from PHONO to CD to RADIO (which I quickly turned off because OH MY GOD what people think is interesting on the radio, ugh [says the woman who is totally enraptured by the remote turning of the knobs]) and back again.

The Audiophile was slightly amused and somewhat concerned as I demonstrated my facinating newly found activity. I explained to him I was sheltered. And over tired.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Sitar and Shut Up.

I purchased over the weekend two albums by Ravi Shankar and Oh my Sweet Zombie Jesus, so delish.

I didn't get that job I interviewed for a while back, and to be honest I am actually kind of relieved. I mean, no one likes to be rejected, but I am certainly not going to cry over it when I realized AFTER I had sent in my resume, that Oh. My. God - I don't want to do this! Has that ever happened, where you do something like apply for a job and then you realize that it wouldn't be anything like you thought maybe it would be and you really hope that they don't phone you? Oh, but then they do and you are all freaking out thinking SHIT what if I get this job, what the hell can I do then? Ah, well that won't be happening here, thank goodness.

Because as much as I may get down on working here, I can work on the things I want to get done better here than elsewhere. In fact, because I DIDN'T get the job, my plans are becoming less like plans and more like plausible actions.

See, with each working step towards these goals I have, the more employable I will be in them. If I for whatever reason end up not working where I do anymore, I could at least start working in the field that I want to, as I will have the training to do so.

I love part time/evening courses. They are my friends.

In other, less self absorbed news:

Less self absorbed? Whatever. The 'Phile and I are going to see Yo La Tengo in October. Got the tix on Saturday, and I am so excited. So much so I could pee.

I don't know what was up with this weekend, but there were Zombies everywhere. No, seriously. Zombies. Families of Zombies. All over the city. Why? I have no idea. I am upset though that I didn't hear about this because um, hello? I happen to spend a lot of time with the self proclaimed biggest lover of Zombies on the planet and OMG so much fun to dress up as Zombies!

And Snakes On A Plane is probably the worst best movie I have ever seen. I think it was tremendously awful. I cheered at the end.

Friday, August 18, 2006

An Open Letter...or two

Letter Number 1:

Dear ElegantHippieHipsterBlondeLady:

I don't know if you remember me, I was sitting in front of you on the bus today. I admired your pants as you came onto the bus, and thought, gee what an elegant looking woman. You have a willowy frame and lovely hippie girl curls for hair.

But I must say, that you have TERRIBLE BUS ETIQUETTE. I don't know who taught you that FILING your fingernails on the bus was an AOKAY thing to do, but I can assure you, they ARE WRONG. I don't know if you are aware, but the bus is NOT the vanity like the one in your loft flat down town. You don't see people picking at things on the bus do you? Oh, wait. You do.

Certainly, I could be in need of a good dose of Vitamin B complex, as I hear that aleviates any of the 'teeth on edge' sensations that a person may experience listening to say, nails on a chalk board, or someone filing their fingernails on the bus. Perhaps that will make me more tolerable of your DISGUSTING behaviour. Except that even amongst the boisterous conversations of the elderly ladies on the bus, I could still hear the SCRITCH SCRITCH of your cheap paper file as it scraped across your mangy dirty hippie fingernails, spreading your dirty hippie fingernail DUST all over the place. I mean really. If you are going to do it anyway? Get a decent file.

And your look of surprise as I bolted up out of my seat and crashed out of the doors? Yes, I got up because the sound was so REVOLTING I was ready to toss my cookies. I had mind to wait and toss them all over your lap, but then THAT WOULD BE RUDE.

Please be advised. It's disgusting. You're disgusting. Get some manners.

By the way? I hate your pants now.

Yours Truly,

The Girl Who Employed Zen Techniques So She Didn't Snap Your Fingers Off.

Letter Number 2!

Dear PeopleWhoRideTheirBikeOnTheSidewalk:

Hi! I bet you don't know me, in fact I am sure you don't know me because I certainly know you don't SEE ME when I am walking on the sidewalk minding my own business as you nearly kill me riding your trendy hand me down bike of Good Ol' Gramps from 1945 before he lost his legs in the War. You know who you are.

Look I appreciate that you want to be part of some trendy movement. That whole 'Look at me, I ride a bike and therefore care about the environment!' is very... Cute. Yes, you may very well be doing your part, protecting what little environment we may have here in good ol' Vancouver, but I assure you, you are FUCKING IT UP for those who choose to WALK as a means of protecting the environment.

I don't care if you can't ride your bike in the street, or you are afraid to. You are making it more scary for Gramps With No Legs to walk down the goddam sidewalk with your teetering old piece of shit bike. That's his place. NOT YOURS. Get off the sidewalk. Get a fucking helmet. Or if you are not wanting to screw with the 'look' you are trying to cultivate, then don't bother at all. It's not polite, it's not trendy and it's not very FRIENDLY, environmentally or otherwise to be such a fucking tool. So either grow a backbone and some sense and ride the bike in the street like you are supposed to, or don't. ride. one. at. all. For all our sakes. Especially Gramps.

Yours Truly,

The Girl Who Will Stick Her Foot Out Next Time You Tell Her To Move Out Of The Way When She Is ON THE SIDEWALK.


Sorry, I am just fed up with humanity today. We've all done the shitty things, but really. So if you do some of the above? Just remember that there are other people about. That's all. Think about the repercussions of your actions. Like these letters! I should really be thinking about what I am saying. But I am tired, hypocritical and need a beer, so not today. Sorry folks. Besides, it doesn't seem like anyone ELSE is doing it. So why even bother.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Stars Aren't the Only Thing That Are Blind...

In the wake of my FEAR of things unknown, I have procured a new telephone device. Sigh.
Yes, another one. The number is the same y'all, just the look is different.

The story unfolds as such.

I wanted to get a nice simple phone, nothing too freakish, obnoxious. I didn't want it to slide and play music for me and be all iPod like or what have you. I didn't really want it to be much of anything except to do the following:

Be Silent. No Vibrating. Just Silent. Of course it can totally Vibrate too. In fact? A must too. And a nice easy user function profile thingy... thing.

I was eyeballing the Nokia 3106 or 6103 or whatever the hell, with its nice rubbery surface in an understated blue, with silver accents. But see this is the deal. I share a plan with my family, all on one bill. The number I have used to be my business line, we've just never got around to changing it over.

So, because this is all under my mother's name, I can't go into the store and upgrade the phone with out here present (or via the telephone) so, she offered while she was at the mall for a hair appointment today, to pick up the phone for me. The one I have currently likes to turn off, doesn't work very well, can't hear well on it blah blah blah.

Well, they didn't have the Nokia. In fact they are like back ordered until the next century or something. So, she telephoned me at work and asked me what I would want have in lieu of the Nokia. Me? I was like whatever, I don't care. Just make sure it isn't expensive. I asked about the RAZR, having heard mixed reviews on it. Personally I like the look of it, and I am familiar with the motorola layout. So, my mother in typical impatient fashion says okay, what colour? They got all sorts.

My response was: 'Ha! Get the pink one. No, wait get the silver one. Pink's erm... yeah. Whatever, you decide. Pick a phone, pick a colour.'

My mother: 'Okay. I'll see you in a few.'

This is what I got.


It came with a pink faux leather Cellphone Purse.

Thanks, mom.

When Demons Fly. Oh, wait...

Right. So. I am about to write something that y'all may think is crazy, but bear with me. Please.

I think. My Apartment? Is, how do you say...


Can I say that here?

Yeah. Cursed. That's pretty accurate.

Oh, you want proof? Okay. Lemme see.

First off. I am not a stranger to bad luck. I think everyone has experienced bad luck along the way. However. I am also fairly lucky too. In fact I am pretty lucky in most situations.

Now. Maybe this is just all a test. Or a lesson. Maybe I have done HORRIBLE things (in my sleep, because there is no way I am horrible when I am awake...), and now I am being shown, told or what have you. But you read the following and tell me what you think.

I have always had 'something' living with me in the various apartments. I firmly believe that. And most times it doesn't bother me. The last time I lived somewhere where it really bothered me was in 2001 when I lived in an apartment in Burnaby. I had some fairly bad things happen to me and they mostly subsided after I moved. After that it was just plain o' dissatisfaction and insane room mates. Of course, by no means do I remove myself from the 'insanity quotient'. But that is another story.

My apartment in North Vancouver was no different. I moved from there because The Audiophile lived in Vancouver and it was a long way for me to travel to. But I never left the apartment because I felt uncomfortable. Generally I am uncomfortable with apartment living and living so close to other people. But that's because I am weird. But never did I feel that my place was freakish or whatever.

So, I look for an apartment in Vancouver. I am looking around, looking around. Time is running out, and I find this place which is beautiful. I love it, I really do. I know it's got 'something' too, but never really felt uncomfortable with it. Well, maybe it feels uncomfortable with me.

I buy a car on the 29 of May. And I moved on the 30th. I get a parking ticket on the 1st. My car stalls out on the 1st. It is also the first sign of money issues, that and the ticket. I mean, I've always had money issues. But, this gets ridiculous.

Then The 'Phile suffers food poisoning. But I sleep well. But then there is that eerieness of the basement.

And then the dreams started happening. And the uber depression (which yeah, I was [am] over extended, and that will make anyone depressed.).

And then I had the problem with my internet/telephone/cable/toilet/fridge thing. Which the cable guy can't really figure out how it happened. And by the way? My thyroid is fine.

And then there's the sink/tub/lots of loud noises thing. Which incidently carry on well into the night. Oh and the spewing of water doesn't just come out of my kitchen sink, it comes out of the tub too. And smells like lavender. It's really fucking weird people.

And then there's the throwing of the back amongst the beetle infestation. Which is still happening. And the toilet thing starts happening in the middle of the night. Not after I flush anymore. Just keeps doing it on its own. The landlord has never experienced this in his entire time owning it (that'd be oh, 40 some odd years). Oh then, THEN there was more technical difficulties with my internet! And I am increasingly more depressed! And then I fail my accounting course. And continue to have strange dreams. And just general bad luckness all round. And more dreams. And there are dreams I've been having that I don't even post about because they are so HORRIBLE.

My car broke down a few weeks ago, and that will cost me money. So much so, that I have to sell it. I just found out that in order for me to take my supplemental exam for the accounting thing I will have to pay 200 dollars, plus another $385 in 'fees'. My other job, I have been having issues with sending files. The stress that was incurred by that was enough to make me mental. Finally after a month and a half (oh look, the entire time I have been living in this apartment) I figured out how to send them without causing chaos. My mail is going missing. Mail that includes my pay from my second job. Cothing of mine has gone missing. It's not at The 'Philes house. The fish? HATES it there. Even The 'Phile said it. In fact I think he pointed it out to me, 'Hey, the fish? Is totally spazzing.' And to top it all off, The 'Phile, although he likes my place, he prefers his. And I prefer his. Way more.

My smoke alarm, just after the toilet got fixed, started going off. I finally tore the battery out of it, because I couldn't do anything to make it shut up. Yeah, it probably needs the battery to be changed. I have had to replace 3 light bulbs that were NEW when I moved in since. I sleep there maybe 3 nights a week. The rest of the time I am at The Audiophiles. So it's not like I am consuming lots o'electricity.

Now, the hot water doesn't work as well as it used to. I had great showers for the first few weeks of living there. And now, slowly I am finding I can't have the cold water on at all in order to have a tolerable temped shower.

The only time where I have been able to have a good nights sleep is when I am at the Audiophiles. At home, I feel like I have been running a marathon, and can't sleep past 7:00am. And then last night? That's pretty much what did it for me.

I don't know if it was because I am tired, or what. And I am pretty easy going when it comes to 'things that go bump in the night.' I do energy healing, I feel it, I dig it. Sometimes it freaks me out, but mostly I just tell myself that I am freaked because it's strange, meaning new, different. But last night was different.

I was lying down in bed, and read for a bit. Then I turned the light out and fell asleep. Then, with a start I woke up. I heard a mosquito flying around my head. But it was so persistent. I turned the light on and I couldn't see anything in the room. I went and got my deep woods OFF and put that on, no more bugs. But as I started to settle in I hear this noise. Now, my apartment is small, and there are other apartments very VERY close to each other. But this sound, came from INSIDE my apartment. Sort of a rustling of papers. I figured something was slipping on my bookcase and it was no big deal. Then, it was significant enough that I sat bolt right in bed, turned the light on and waited.

And waited.

Nothing. I started to read again, because I was scared. I was actually SCARED. Not like OMG the zombies are coming to eat the dude scared, but scared as in, should I call someone? scared. I read a bit more and became drowsy enough to want to sleep. I told myself that if there was a person or thing in my house they were going to get me either way and I may as well be asleep when it happens. So I turn my light out. As soon as I do I hear the noise again like someone turning around (not walking) and then the hall door close. The hall door outside my apartment, not inside. That disturbed me even more, because that could mean 1 of 2 things.

One: A ghost. To which I say, come on! Please. Just let me sleep.
Two: A person who was hanging outside the apartment door and then decided to leave.

To be honest Two scares me more than One. Mostly because some how strangers get into our building.

So, I fell asleep, finally. And guess what happened? Yup. Another Psycho dream. I am frazzled people. And I mean seriously frazzled. I have had WAY too much ill luck over the last 2 months for this to be all 'whatever' about. I even CURSE more than I usually do. What the Fuck.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The Sinister Pechenkov and his lack of music taste.

Pietrovich Pechenkov to be exact.



So, I have been having weird dreams. BUT I have ALSO been a walking DJ. I have at any given time like 3 songs in my head, all playing at once. But that isn't the issue here. I get it, I am insane. My issue is this:

How many of you out there have that song in your head, and do the grevious thing by saying out loud: "I have this song stuck in my head!"

And the people you are with say: "How does it go?"

And you stand there blinking at them: "I don't know."

Um, hello. Can you say: "FEELS LIKE A DIPSHIT?"

And it sucks because you've got the tune ROCKIN' out in yer head. You are like, feeling the vibes of the song, you've got the acoustics right (no comment on the perceived emptiness that creates such acoustics, Thankyouverymuch.), and you've got the crescendo, decrescendo, blah blah blah, all RIGHT. IT IS AS IF THE CD (OR RECORD) IS PLAYING INSIDE YOUR HEAD, and you were blessed with being equiped with an awesome set of speakers.

And then you try to sing the words (because they are there! They're there all right!) and the tune? And you end up sounding like you are yodling this:

"Blah, ballllaaaaaaaaaah, somethin' somethin' In the!!! Come on... you... youoouuuuuu.... er... blah blah blaaaaaah...." You all get it.


Does this happen to anyone else? Or am I really certifiable?

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

And On The Seventh Day, The Bus Rested.

Last night I had another strange dream. This one was TOTALLY induced by the copious amounts of beer and nacho cheesy disgustingness I was ingesting. In fact, so disgusting that my body HATES me today. It's saying "I am going to make your life MISERABLE". But oh, was it so good.

My dream involved a whole bunch of stuff I can't really remember: lots of running and screaming and what not. But I distinctly remember at one point in the dream I was sitting with The Audiophile and we were watching the news. And the news said clear as a bell:

"The Seabus will be shut down for SEVEN DAYS. Plan alternate routes."

And I turned to The 'Phile and said:

"I guess I won't be seeing much of you over the next seven days, or maybe a lot depending on when they shut it down."

Now, this may seem like a bizzaro weird dream, but not so bizzaro weird strange that I would need to report it. Other than the fact this is my second transit based dream. Must be because I am BITTER that my car has broken down. STILL. Oh, right I haven't mentioned that have I? that it is STILL broken? Yeah. We shall not speak of this 'broken car'. It's truly, truly a sin, to quote the Velvet Underground. ANYWAY. This dream, I mean, it is not NEARLY as interesting as say, getting beat up by Paris Hilton's shoe. But this dream was so REAL that it compelled me to look into the Seabus Activity when I got to work. And there's no indication that the Seabus is not going to run for seven days.

But I am convinced. Something is going to happen with regards to seabus or boat that carries people and it will be shut down and the number SEVEN is important. Mark My WORDS! Because I am so psychic.

I mean, I am SO psychic I choose not to play the lotto out of respect, because hey, that would be SO unfair.


Truly. I do not lie.

That's a SIN.